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Showing items 3808 through 3816 of 73534.A l’occasion de l’adoption du Code forestier en 2001, le Gabon a instauré un droit au partage des bénéfices au profit des communautés locales impactées par l’exploitation forestière.
Date: 3 avril 2018
Source: Books.openedition.org
Par: Armelle Choplin et Mohamed Fall Ould Bah (dir.)
O objectivo deste estudo é analisar sistema legal fundiário angolano à luz das recomendações propostas pelas Directrizes Voluntárias Sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse de Terra, Pescas e Florestas no Contexto da Segurança Alimentar Nacional (VGGTs no seu acrónimo inglês).
The objective of this corporate Framework (the ‘Framework’) is to guide the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in carrying out its mandate in its areas of competence and comparative advantage, i.e. food security, nutrition
The dominant debates about land in South Africa often focus on the transfer of land from a few white hands to the black majority. The discussion seldom unpacks who constitutes the “black majority” as this is not a homogeneous group.
Debates about land redistribution from white farm owners to black hands tend to be silent on the question of farm dwellers. This is despite the fact that over two million black people are estimated to be living on commercial farms.
On March 23rd, at the World Bank’s Land and Poverty Conference 2018 in Washington D.C., LANDac hosted the Master Class Land governance from the bottom up: including local communities in multi-stakeholder processes.
IN’s latest resource is an introduction to the topic Land and Water Grabbing: A discussion of integrity implications and related risks, which discusses the integrity implications and risks of land and water grabbing.
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