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Showing items 3691 through 3699 of 73627.The trans-European transport network has different effects at macro-regional, mezzo-regional and micro-regional level, and on urban systems development, and its effectiveness rises at the lower regional levels.
The research aim to test the information collected through the Italian FADN survey to analyze the characteristics of Italian land market and was referred to accounting year 2009.
Almost all of the most populated cities in the world have invested heavily on high capacity urban public transit systems.
This article deals with the financing required to restore and reuse the great architecture of the 1900s, in a time in history when public financial resources are becoming increasingly low and difficult to find.
The development of inner-city Paris (100 km2) and the grid of the Commissioners’ Plan of Manhattan (66 km2) were recorded on scales of different ages: two millennia for Paris and two centuries for Manhattan.
Conferencia de J. Honold Dunner, en el Seminario del Gran Santiago realizado en 1957, donde se analizó las relaciones e interdependencias del Gran Santiago con los fenómenos territoriales y regionales. (Publicada en 1958)./This is the lecture given by J. Honold D.
Il presente lavoro offre una panoramica generale dei sistemi di registrazione immobiliare in Europa. L’analisi comparatistica parte dalla distinzione dei sistemi giuridici di trasmissione della proprietà all’interno delle due grandi famiglie del “Civil Law” e del “Common Law”.
As a result of the growing impacts on global environments, it has become important for land use planners to extract, detect, monitor and predict land use/cover changes (LUCCs).
Il problema della trasparenza del mercato immobiliare in Italia implica che molte analisi debbano essere fatte utilizzando i prezzi di offerta e che questi ultimi siano anche utilizzati dagli operatori del settore a fini estimativi.
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