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Showing items 1909 through 1917 of 73617.The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to sewage sludge. The soil on which for the first time sewage sludge is applied has to be classified according to Annex A laying down soil suitability according to certain classes.
This Ministerial Decree establishes that plots of land previously used for defence and security purposes and temporarily not used for the aforesaid purposes can be allotted to legal persons and citizens on lease or free-of-charge tenancy for a fixed period for agriculture, forest management and o
Pursuant to article 7 of the Agricultural and Fishing Industries (Financial Assistance) Act, these Regulations set up an internal Dispute Resolution Board for the purposes of resolving disputes arising between farmers, and between a farmer and the Paying Agency.
This Order establishes criteria for valuation of agricultural land by State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and Land Cadastre with the consideration of data recorded in state land cadastre and other registration authorities, including valuation of irrigation and drainage systems
This Decree establishes basic principles for valuation of property land valuation and subsoil valuation. Land valuation shall be carried out either as regards vacant land or cultivated land.
This Decree regulates expropriation of plot of land or part thereof and the modalities of calculation of compensation to natural and legal persons due to expropriation of land for public needs.
La présente ordonnance met en exécution, entre autres, l’ordonnance fédérale du 1er juillet 1998 sur les atteintes portées aux sols (OSol).
Le présent règlement met en exécution la loi du 30 mai 1990 sur les améliorations foncières.
The Order establishes regulation of notification and documentation for the removal of land in adherence with Municipal rules on notification of waste.
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