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Reports & Research
November 2012

The VGGT represent the first inter-governmental consensus on the principles and accepted standards for the responsible governance of tenure for governments, international organisations, communities, and the private sector. Their aim is to promote secure tenure rights and equitable access to land…

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2012

Ce document est un rapport de capitalisation des acquis du Projet pilote d’économie et de valorisation de l’eau d’irrigation dans le périmètre des Doukkala (GCP/MOR/033/SPA) qui s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une convention de partenariat entre le Ministère de l’agriculture et de la pêche maritime du…

Reports & Research
November 2012

The objective of the workshop was to discuss in particular the various aspects of global soil information (Pillar 4 of the GSP) and the related information gathered by the e-SOTER project. The presentations and discussion were subdivided in four main sessions dealing with the following subjects…

Reports & Research
November 2012

The Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF) has the purpose to improve implementation of policies for sustainable management of forests and environmental services provided by forest ecosystems in the context of climate change.

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2012

Saffron production is confined to a limited geographical area in the State. Saffron has traditionally been associated with the famous Kashmiri cuisine, its medicinal values and the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir. Its role in enriching the local cuisine, its medicinal value and its use in…

Reports & Research
November 2012

Meeting symbol/code: FO:NEFRC/2012/REP
Session: Sess.20

Journal Articles & Books
November 2012

he guidelines are the first comprehensive, global instrument on tenure and its administration to be prepared through intergovernmental negotiations.
The guidelines set out principles and internationally accepted standards of responsible practices for the use and control of land,…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2012

Our region is food insecure and a net importer of foods. It produces much less food than it requires due to many factors, such as limited arable land and shortage of water resources, and below world average agricultural productivity in many cases. In addition, the region suffers from excessive…

Reports & Research
November 2012

أولت السلطات العمومية أهمية بالغة لتوسيع رقعة المساحات المجهزة بتقنيات الري الموضعي عبر سياسة إرادية ترجمها مخطط المغرب الأخضر في البرنامج الوطني للاقتصاد في ماء الري الذي يرمي إلى تحويل ما يناهز 550 ألف هكتار من الأراضي المسقية إلى الري الموضعي في أفق .2020 ويأتي هذا الدليل الموجه أساسا إلى…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2012

The guidelines are the first comprehensive, global instrument on tenure and its administration to be prepared through intergovernmental negotiations.


The guidelines set out principles and internationally accepted standards of responsible practices for the use and control of land…

Reports & Research
November 2012

This publication reviews the historical and current literature on land degradation in Morocco and
presents the results of a case study in the western part of the country. It is intended as a reflection on
the baseline causes for land degradation, so contributing to the development of…

Reports & Research
October 2012

The agriculture sector has great potential to contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions through changes in agricultural management and land use. However, the technical potential for agricultural mitigation has yet to translate into actual emission reductions due to considerable…