In recent years, prices of agricultural land have increased quickly, actually doubling and tripling in many parts of the world. This land value reassessment has been prompted by rising crop prices and perceived land scarcity. But even as the value of land rises, land degradation continues and…
The Sanaga River is one of Sub-Saharan Africa's largest and greatly regulated rivers. Available flow data for this hydrosystem largely cover the pre- and post-regulation periods. From comparisons between unregulated (hypothetical) and observed scenarios, it has been possible to separate and…
This study examines rural women access to and control of agricultural production resources in arable small-scale sustainable agricultural production in a developing country setting. Specifically, the study addresses the women's level of accessibility and control of arable land in…
Le Cameroun a adopté une nouvelle loi des forêt en 1994 qui mettait l’accent sur le secteur forestier industriel, à grande échelle, et orienté vers l’exportation, tout en négligeant le bois produit avec des opérations d’échelle plus petite, pour le marché intérieur. Ce bois n’est pas enregistrée…
La République du Congo a adopté une loi forestière en 2000 qui met l’accent sur le secteur forestier industriel à grande échelle orienté vers l’exportation. Le bois d’oeuvre tiré d’une exploitation à plus petite échelle et tourné vers le marché intérieur a été négligé. Ce bois n’est pas…
In 1994 Cameroon adopted a new forest law that focussed on the large-scale, export-oriented industrial forest sector while timber produced through small-scale logging for the domestic market was ignored, even in official statistics, and is generally produced without a valid permit. As Cameroon…
In this 2012 edition of Moving Forward, FAO Forestry is pleased to present a selection of the work it undertook in the 2010-2011 biennium for the benefit of the global forestry community. The FAO Forestry Programme encompasses a vast range of activities and projects, of which this booklet…
Smallholder farms in humid tropics often display complex associations of perennial and annual crops as farmers tend to valorise between-row spaces of the perennials by intercropping with shorter cycle crops, all in a bid to better absorb climatic and associated economic risks. To better…
Smallholder farms in humid tropics often display complex associations of perennial and annual crops as farmers tend to valorise between-row spaces of the perennials by intercropping with shorter cycle crops, all in a bid to better absorb climatic and associated economic risks. To better…
Since 2000 and the implementation of China’s ‘going abroad’ policy, mainland Chinese state-owned and private companies have significantly increased their interests in the resources and investment opportunities of the Congo Basin, bringing new opportunities as well as potential social and…
The study investigates the state of women’s land rights under statutes and customary practices in Cameroon and how the conception of these rights affects women’s role in the economy. It concludes that the future of women’s land rights will depend largely on a complete change of the current land…