The central theme of this edition of Nature & Faune journal is “Enhancing gender equality in the management of Africa's natural resources”. It reviews the situation including achievements and challenges related to adequacy, equity and equality in the roles the two genders play in…
Keeping its tradition of exploring major emerging issues, Nature & Faune has chosen to dedicate this edition to looking at the implications of rapid urbanization and its implications for urban food and nutrition security, focusing on the specific roles of sustainable management and…
Le thème central de ce numéro de Nature & Faune est : « Améliorer la parité hommes-femmes dans la gestion des ressources naturelles de l’Afrique ». Il passe en revue la situation, y compris les réalisations et les défis en rapport avec la pertinence, l’équité, et l’égalité dans les rôles…
Climatic stress and anthropogenic disturbances have caused significant environmental changes in the Sahel. In this context, the importance of soil is often underrepresented. Thus, we analyze and discuss the interdependency of soil and vegetation by classifying soil types and its woody cover for…
The Sahel has been the focus of scientific interest in environmental-human dynamics and interactions. The objective of the present study is to contribute to the recent debate on the re-greening of Sahel. The paper examines the dynamics of barren land in the Sahel of Burkina Faso through analysis…
The Africa Gas Initiative (AGI) has been
established by the Oil and Gas Division of the World Bank,
to promote the utilization of natural gas in Sub-Saharan
Africa. The study focuses on coastal countries - Angola,
The Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) is a diagnostic tool to assess the status of land governance at country level using a participatory process that draws systematically on existing evidence and local expertise rather than on outsiders. The analysis covers nine themes: land tenure…
This working paper, published by the World Resources Institute, looks at efforts in Cameroon, Indonesia, and Peru to invest in the infrastructure and capacity to track the impacts of changes from from forest and land-use-based climate change mitigation actions. The paper focuses on the…
La présente circulaire fixe les modalités d’accès à la terre pour les investisseurs en République du Cameroun.
Land is a vital resource that sustains livelihoods across Sub-Saharan Africa, but also one that is heavily prone to corruption. Every second citizen in Africa has been affected by land corruption in recent years, according to a <a href="…
Since 2007, it has been hoped that REDD+ would deliver on the 3E+ criteria (effectiveness, efficiency, equity, social and environmental co?benefits) for strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This report highlights that the early enthusiasm for REDD+ has dissipated among some…
This is a Decree posted on <a href=""></a>. It lists Timber (Wood) as the primary resource(s)