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December 1999

In 1987, an improved resource management system that incorporates velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis) to address soil fertility and weed (Imperata cylindrica) infestation was introduced to the small-scale farmers in a densely populated area of the derived savannas in Benin Republic (West…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1999

A medium size 46-page report that comments on the overall situation of data on forest resources in Nigeria. It is composed of ten parts including the following topics: forest resource situation assessment in Nigeria, FAO input data, status of forests and the country's vegetation, forest…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1999

Proceedings of the meeting including a summary of the resulting recommendations and the text of papers presented

December 1998

In this lecture, Moïse C. Mensah traces the recent history of economic policy in Benin and examines how Benin can meet food security needs while overcoming the challenges posed by a growing population, fragile natural resource base, and constraints on productivity. Although the gap between food…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1998

The issue of supplying food to African towns will remain a major challenge in the coming years in view of the steep urban growth, the small increase in extensive agricultural production and the risks of bottlenecks in the supply and distribution circuits. Yet it is very…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1998

La mayor parte de los nmeros de Unasylva se centran en un tema concreto. El objetivo de esa orientacin temtica es examinar de forma pormenorizada un aspecto determinado de las actividades y el desarrollo forestales, con el fin de resaltar su significado e importancia dentro de los confines ms…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1998

La plupart des numros d'Unasylva sont axs sur un thme particulier. L'objectif n'est pas de prsenter une introduction ou un manuel sur le sujet choisi (ce qui serait impossible tant donn le format de la revue), mais plutt de proposer une srie d'analyses sur des aspects…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1998

Most issues of Unasylva focus on a specific theme. The objective of this thematic orientation is to examine in depth a given aspect of forest and forestry development in order to highlight its significance and importance within our wider universe. The aim is not to serve as a primer or textbook…