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Displaying 73 - 84 of 195

The Livestock Sub-sector in Kenya’s NDC: A scoping of gaps and priorities

December, 2019

Under the Paris Agreement, countries should update their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) every five years, with progressive ambition in each new submission. Kenya plans to review and revise its NDC in June 2020. The State Department for Livestock has undertaken a stock-taking exercise with support from UNIQUE forestry and land use, CCAFS and GRA. This report summarizes the main findings and recommendations for the livestock sub-sector contribution to enhanced climate change ambition.

Report of Annual review of “Partnerships for Scaling Climate Smart Agriculture Phase 2 (P4S II)’’

December, 2019

P4S II resulted from the merging the actions of BRAS-PAR and P4S I with the intention to use tools and
evidence/lessons learned from the Climate-Smart Villages and other development activities, with
existing and new partners through direct scientific support to decision makers (e.g., governments, civil
society, and researchers) and capacity building to help bring CSA to scale. The scientific activities will
be combined with dedicated communications activities such as photo essays, tweets, blog posts, etc. from

Rethinking resilient agriculture: From climate-smart agriculture to vulnerable-smart agriculture

December, 2020

Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is seeking to overcome the food security problem and develop rural livelihoods while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. However, when such synergies exist, the situation of small-scale farmers is often overlooked, and they are unable to implement new practices and technologies. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to improve CSA by adding the neglected but very important element “small-scale farmer”, and introduce Vulnerable-Smart Agriculture (VSA) as a complete version of CSA.

Gap and opportunity analysis of hydrological monitoring in the Ziway-Shala Sub-basin, Ethiopia

December, 2019

This working paper was prepared under a development and conservation project – Societal Development and Ecosystems Conservation in Sahelian Wetlands (SAWEL) – focusing on improving food security and nutrition in the Sahel region by helping to safeguard wetlands through ecologically sustainable agricultural water management. SAWEL is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Monitoring, reporting, and verification system for rice production aligned with Paris Agreement transparency guidelines

December, 2021
New Zealand

This critical review takes a novel approach to assessing the existing Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) methodology and tools and provides expert-based recommendations for adjusted MRV standards that adapt current guidelines as a promising way forward to deliver transparency in meeting the Nationally Determined Contributions of Vietnam. Additionally, this is a timely proposition given the necessity to define an MRV framework for NAMAs for the rice sector.

Gender-smart agriculture: An agenda for gender and socially inclusive climate-resilient agriculture

December, 2020

The working paper reviews the evolution of the CCAFS gender and social inclusion agenda towards gender equality and empowerment in relation to climate resilient agriculture. Climate change research typically shows glaring gaps in understanding the different adaptive strategies and capacities of men and women, and the technologies, practices, and enabling environments that will empower women.

Step-by-step process to mainstream gender in climate-smart agricultural initiatives in Guatemala

December, 2019

Within the framework of the projects “Generating evidence on gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture to inform policy in Central America” and “Shaping equitable climate change policies for resilient food systems across Central America and the Caribbean”, during 2018 and 2019, a series of workshops was held at the national level with

Transformation through Inclusive Innovation: Literature Review and Commentary

December, 2021

With this Technical Note, the Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) seeks to stimulate novel, thoughtful action by CGIAR leaders and researchers that embeds inclusive practices and behaviors in agri-food systems research. Based on a literature review and expert consultations, ISDC finds that concepts and practices of inclusive innovation are emergent and recommends that CGIAR pursue an inclusivity transition in a learning-while-doing mode.

Institutional innovations in community-based watershed management – exploring lessons for scaling from an Inter Aide Programme in Southern Ethiopia

December, 2021

This is a qualitative study on institutional innovations that the Inter Aide France (IAF) project has pioneered as part of its people-centred land management activities in Hadiya and Kembata-Tembaro (HKT) zones of Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region of Ethiopia. This is an offshoot of an ongoing partnership between IAF and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT.

Climate Smart Governance Dashboard: technical guide

December, 2022

The Climate-Smart Governance (CSG) Dashboard stands as an innovative platform, providing data on climate-related hazards, vulnerability, climate scenarios, and sector-specific information. Developed as part of the CGIAR initiative on Climate Resilience (ClimBeR), the CSG Dashboard plays a crucial role in supporting nations undertaking the UNFCCC National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. Aligned with the iterative nature of the NAP process, the CSG Dashboard enhances adaptive capacity and resilience, minimizing vulnerability to climate change impacts.

Coupled forest zoning and agricultural intervention yields conflicting outcomes for tropical forest conservation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

December, 2021

Agricultural intensification and forest conservation are often seen as incompatible. Agricultural interventions can help boost food security for poor rural communities but in certain cases can exacerbate deforestation, known as the rebound effect. We tested whether coupling agricultural interventions with participatory forest zoning could improve food security and promote forest conservation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.