MOOC on Open Data Management in Agriculture, Nutrition and Land
Call for applications to participate in the MOOC are open until 17 Sep 2018.
Call for applications to participate in the MOOC are open until 17 Sep 2018.
The New Urban Agenda was adopted in October 2016 at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador. It is a result of a unique consensus among all participating states. The document sets out a common vision and global standards for urban development in the coming decades.
Next Training: June 19-29, 2018
Location: Columbia University
Climate change is amongst the most prominent developmental issues today. As a result, large amounts of capital are being made available to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity of climate-vulnerable people, particularly in the global South.
This Mekong region workshop will explore the challenges of large-scale agricultural investments to suggest solutions supportive of sustainable and pro-poor development, as well as economic growth. A set of recommendations will be produced.
Presented by: Land Portal Foundation, Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s Thematic Network on Good Governance of Extractive and Land Resources
Please register here.
O Comitê Executivo da Rede Brasileira de Pesquisa em Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional tem a satisfação de confirmar a realização do III Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em SSAN nos dias 08, 09 e 10 de Novembro de 2017, na cidade de Curitiba (PR), em local ainda a ser escolhido entre as opções existentes.
A Comissão Organizadora da IV Reunião Nordestina de Ciência do Solo já definiu a data do evento, que ocorrerá entre os dias 27 a 30/11/2017 na cidade de Teresina, PI. Segundo o Coordenador do evento, o Dr.
Nos dias 23,24 e 25 de agosto do presente ano, levar-se-á a cabo o TERCEIRO CONGRESSO IBEROAMERICANO DE SOLO URBANO na cidade de Curitiba, Brasil, com o tema “O solo na nova agenda urbana”, organizado de maneira conjunta pelo Colégio Mexiquence AC, a Universidade Federal do Paraná, a Universidade Pontifícia Católica do Paraná e a Universidade Positivo.
The 9th World Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) will be held in Shenzhen, China 11-15 December 2017. The conference will facilitate a broad range of topics on the latest state-of-the-art on the science, policy and practice of Ecosystem Services.
Latin America and the Caribbean account for over 20 percent of the world’s degraded lands, with 300 million hectares of degraded forests and 350 million hectares now classified as deforested—an area almost double the size of Mexi
Throughout the developing world, huge tracts of farmland, grazing lands and forests have become degraded to the point they are barely producti