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Displaying 109 - 120 of 529

Addressing Regulatory Software Barriers to Business Growth

April, 2014

This policy paper explores the relative
importance of the software regulatory barriers to growth in
Pakistan. Such software barriers have been identified as
part of the major constraint in the Framework for Economic
Growth of the Government of Pakistan. Indeed, adequate
software is needed to provide an environment in which the
hardware of growth (physical infrastructure) could be
expanded and made more productive. Among possible software

The World Bank Approach to Public Sector Management 2011-2020

August, 2015

Public sector management (PSM) reform is concerned with improving public sector results by changing
the way governments work. It is a challenging reform area in which to offer assistance. Sustainable institutional
change often requires that thousands of public agents alter their behavior, and political incentives may be at odds
with improving public sector performance. “What works” in PSM reform is highly context-dependent and
explicit evidence remains limited.
The Bank’s Approach to PSM for 2011-2020 emphasizes that public sector reform is a pragmatic

Household Enterprises in Mozambique : Key to Poverty Reduction but Not on the Development Agenda?

October, 2013

Household enterprises -- usually
one-person-operated tiny informal enterprises -- are a
rapidly growing source of employment in Sub-Saharan Africa,
especially in lower-income countries. Household enterprises
tend to operate with limited interest or support from
governments. This is the case in Mozambique, where neither
the poverty reduction strategy nor small and medium
enterprise development policies include household

GRI Index FY11

November, 2015

The response to the global reporting
initiative (GRI) indicators provides a brief introduction to
the World Bank’s (WB’s) complex suite of activities. The WB
consists of the International Bank of Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) and the International Development
Association (IDA). Materiality is determined through an
assessment carried out based on GRI guidance. The assessment
evaluates the risks to the organization, the importance to

Reducing Inequality for Shared
Growth in China : Strategy and Policy Options for Guangdong Province

March, 2012

This overview summarizes the key
findings of the eight chapters and one policy note. It is
organized as follows. The first section provides a
background of Guangdong, while the second describes the
current situation of inequality in the province. Next is a
discussion of the potential impacts of the transfer of
industrial activities ('industrial transfer') in
mitigating regional disparity, followed by the

Developing Independent Media as An
Institution of Accountable Governance : A How-To Guide

March, 2012

The World Bank's Communication for
Governance and Accountability Program (CommGAP) has spent
several years exploring the linkages between the media and
governance reform. The first stage of this process produced
public sentinel: news media and governance reform, an edited
volume that explored key issues surrounding the role of the
media in democratic governance and the policy interventions
that might enable this role. This how-to guide represents

Political Economy of the Petroleum Sector in Nigeria

March, 2012

The relatively slow pace of
Nigeria's development has often been attributed to the
phenomenon of the resource curse whereby the nature of the
state as a "rentier" dilutes accountability for
development and political actors are able to manipulate
institutions to sustain poor governance. The impact of the
political elite's resource-control and allocation of
revenues on core democratic mechanisms is central to

Strategic Reorientation of the Housing Provident Fund System in the People's Republic of China

March, 2013

The objective of this report is to
respond to the request of the Ministry of Housing and
Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), to assess the Housing
Provident Fund (HPF) system, and provide recommendations on
its positioning, strategy and future role in the overall
housing policy. The report focuses on a strategic review of
the HPF system and its strategy, mission, and operational
structure, and then analyses the market in which the

Identifying and Working with Beneficiaries When Rights Are Unclear : Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

March, 2013

Expert statements indicate that annually
approximately 20 billion dollars will be needed to prevent
90 percent deforestation in tropical countries. Development
practitioners are eager to see the benefits from REDD plus
initiatives shared with local partners. Equally important to
understanding how local partners might benefit are questions
such as, who should derive benefits from REDD plus
initiatives, and how to ensure these initiatives reach the

Framing Local Conflict and Justice in Bangladesh

March, 2012

The institutional landscape of local
dispute resolution in Bangladesh is rich: it includes the
traditional process of shalish, longstanding and impressive
civil society efforts to improve on shalish, and a somewhat
less-explored provision for gram adalat or village courts.
Based on a nationally representative survey, qualitative
evidence from focus groups, and a telephone survey of 40
Union Parishad chairpersons (a little less than 1 percent of

Liberia : Inclusive Growth Diagnostics

March, 2013

Liberia aims to achieve middle-income
status by 2030 through broad participation and inclusive
growth. The Government's growth strategy aims to
accelerate growth through the exploitation of natural
resources, while maintaining sound macroeconomic policies,
improving the business environment, and prudently allocating
aid and commodity-based financing resources to expand
infrastructure and formal sector employment. However,

West Bank and Gaza - Improving Governance and Reducing Corruption

March, 2012

In the past decade, the Palestinian
Authority (PA) has worked to strengthen economic governance
and combat corruption, both essential to sustained economic
growth and improved delivery of public services. This report
finds the PA has made significant progress in its public
institutions, establishing a strong governance environment
in many critical areas. But it also identifies areas where
reforms are underway but incomplete or, in some areas, not