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Displaying 1813 - 1824 of 2279

Law No. 742-IV “On smallholding”.

May, 2003

This Law defines the legal, organizational, economic and social principles of conducting smallholding activity. Smallholding (individual peasant farm) shall be a business activity that is carried out without the creation of a legal entity by an individual or by family members or relatives that live together in order to meet their personal needs through the production, processing and consumption of agricultural products, vending of its surpluses and the provision of services using the property of a private peasant farm, also in the field of rural green tourism.

Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon définissant les régions agricoles présentes sur le territoire de la Région wallonne.

November, 2016

Le présent arrêté du Gouvernement wallon met en exécution le décret du 20 octobre 2016 limitant les fermages. Notamment, l’arrêté du Gouvernement wallon définit les régions agricoles présentes sur le territoire de la Région wallonne. L’article 1er établit qu’en application de l'article 2, § 1er, alinéa 2, du décret susvisé, les régions agricoles sont les régions aux caractéristiques naturelles et au potentiel agro-économique spécifique définies par l'arrêté royal du 24 février 1951 fixant la délimitation des régions agricoles du Royaume.

Agreement between the governments of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on cooperation in the field of agriculture.

International Conventions or Treaties
June, 2010

The Parties, in accordance with the national legislation of the SCO member-states, shall develop cooperation in the following areas of agriculture: (a) farming; (b) animal husbandry; (c) beekeeping; (d) veterinary medicine; (e) selection, seed production and breeding; (f) land reclamation, irrigation and agricultural irrigation; (g) processing and trade in agricultural commodities; (h) agricultural machinery and equipment; and (i) scientific research in the field of agriculture.

Presidential Decree No. UP-5199 “On measures to radically improve the system for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of farmers, dehkan farms and smallholders, and efficient use of agricultural land areas under crops”.

October, 2017

The President decrees to establish beginning from the harvest of 2018 the modalities, according to which: (a) the efficiency of land plots tenure pertaining to farms shall be discussed at the local government meetings on a quarterly basis, while the efficiency of use of agricultural land areas under crops pertaining to dehkan farms and smallholders shall be discussed monthly in the self-governing bodies of citizens; and (b) in relation to farmers, dehkan farms and smallholders who inefficiently used land plots, that did not completely sow crops and that did not timely implement agrotechnica

Resolución Nº 464 de 2017 – Por la cual se adoptan los Lineamientos estratégicos de política pública para la Agricultura Campesina, Familiar y Comunitaria y se dictan otras disposiciones.

December, 2017

Los Lineamientos estratégicos de política pública para la Agricultura Campesina, Familiar y Comunitaria (ACFC) son un instrumento de política pública, de alcance nacional, cuyo objetivo es fortalecer las capacidades sociales, económicas y políticas de las familias, comunidades y organizaciones de ACFC, sobre la base de un desarrollo rural con enfoque territorial que mejore la sostenibilidad de la producción agropecuaria y genere bienestar y buen vivir de la población rural.

Ley Nº 6/2016 - Modifica la Ley Nº 6/2015, Ley Agraria de Extremadura.

June, 2016

La presente Ley tiene por objeto modificar el capítulo III de la Ley Agraria de Extremadura, sobre el Procedimiento electoral para la determinación de la representatividad de las organizaciones profesionales agrarias en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura, cuyo objeto es regulat el procedimiento electoral para la determinación de la representatividad de las organizaciones profesionales agrarias legalmente constituidas con implantación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura.

National Land Use Policy.

National Policies
December, 2005

It is against inappropriate decisions in the allocation of land use activities that are manifested, among others, in form of: land degradation, mainly soil erosion, loss of vegetation cover; loss of biological diversity, wetlands degradation, pollution, uncontrolled urban development, conflicts over land use, and reduced land productivity that government committed resources for the preparation of this National Land Use Policy.The policy aims to support the national objectives on poverty eradication and economic growth while at the same time ensuring sustainable utilisation of natural resour

National Agricultural Policy.

National Policies
September, 1995

The National Agricultural Policy of Namibia is a multi-sectoral policy with the following objectives: achieve growth rates and stability in farm income, agricultural productivity and production levels that are higher than the population growth rate; ensure food security and improve nutritional status; create and sustain viable livelihood and employment opportunities in rural areas; improve the profitability of agriculture and increase investment in agriculture; contribute towards the improvement of the balance of payments; expand vertical integration and domestic value-added for agricultura

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2017-2021.

National Policies
December, 2016

El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo es un instrumento multi-sectorial de alcance nacional, relativo al período 2017-2021, que establece nueve objetivos estructurados en torno a tres Ejes principales, a saber: 1) Derechos para todos durante toda la vida; 2) Economía al servicio de la sociedad; 3) Más sociedad, mejor Estado.

Regional Law No. 1-RZ “On allotment in tenancy free of charge plots of land pertaining to public or municipal ownership”.

January, 2016

This Regional Law lists municipal districts where plots of public or municipal land plots free of charge to citizens for individual residential housing construction or for family farming. It establishes categories of specialists working in rural areas that shall be eligible to such land transfer for the maximum period of six years.