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Los refugiados del modelo agroexportador (Versión resumida)

Reports & Research
November, 2006

Refugiados del Modelo Agroexportador es la publicación de los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en el 2006 en comunidades campesinas paraguayas que viven rodeadas por los monocultivos de soja. Este estudio interdisciplinario detalla la dinámica de empobrecimiento y degeneración de las condiciones de vida de las familias que lleva a la expulsión rural y la migración hacia las ciudades. Esta investigación de Base Investigaciones Sociales fue llevada a cabo por un equipo multidisciplinario e internacional de investigadores, bajo la dirección del sociólogo Tomas Palau.

Workshop 1: Land Grabbing and Land Concentration The Quantitative Evaluation, The Players

Conference Papers & Reports
January, 2017

After an initial plenary session on developments in access to land and natural resources in the different continents, the workshop participants were given the opportunity to give their many personal accounts, describe the various forms of land grabbing and concentration, discuss the scope of the processes under way and question whether the tools available to quantify them were adequate.

Disputas en la gestión de la identidad y el ejercicio de los gobiernos indígenas en Bolivia - Pedro Pachaguaya, Samuel Flores. (noviembre, 2016)

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2016

El presente documento pone en cuestión la forma en que se gestionó la identidad cultural por parte del Estado, diferencia entre lo que es una identidad colectiva y una identidad cultural y visibiliza los alcances jurídicos, políticos y sociales que implica acceder a una identidad cultural en las cédulas de identidad por parte de los pueblos indígenas.

Propiedad colectiva de la tierra en Sudamérica, desafíos y perspectivas

Reports & Research
January, 2017
South America

Entre el 23 de octubre y el 02 de diciembre de 2016, el IPDRS y el Land Portal, llevaron adelante un foro debate en línea sobre la Propiedad colectiva de la tierra en Sudamérica, desafíos y perspectivas, buscando alimentar la discusión que actualmente proviene de toda una dinámica global desde ONG, centros de investigación, activistas, universidades, colectivos y claramente organizaciones campesinas e indígenas que plantea todo un esfuerzo mundial para defender la propiedad colectiva de la tierra desde sus distintas dimensiones ante las presiones y amenazas provenientes del agronegocio y de

From Risk and Conflict to Peace and Prosperity

Reports & Research
January, 2017
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Amid the realities of major political turbulence, there was growing recognition in 2016 that the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities are key to ensuring peace and prosperity, economic development, sound investment, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Despite equivocation by governments, a critical mass of influential investors and companies now recognize the market rationale for respecting community land rights.

Indigenous people are losing their livelihood

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

In many Asian, African, and South American nations, indigenous people are being driven from their homes: Government authorities are leasing hundreds of thousands of hectares of land belonging to indigenous people who only in the rarest of cases possess deeds to the land that are recognised by the authorities. Although in many cases their ancestors have lived on the land for centuries, these rights were never recorded in the land registries. The way of life and the livelihood of many indigenous peoples are severely threatened by their land being sold off.

The Recognition and Security of Customary Tenure of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia: a Legal Perspective (in Khmer)

Reports & Research
October, 2016

This short thematic study challenges the assumption that the legal framework to recognize and protect indigenous peoples’ (IP) customary lands is adequate and that the challenge lies in its implementation. With support from MRLG, a core group of IP NGOs of the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Alliance (CIPA) held a series of seminars to scrutinize this legal framework, identify gaps and make recommendations for a revision of the supporting legal framework. The thematic study documents this joint reflection.

The Recognition and Security of Customary Tenure of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia: a Legal Perspective

Reports & Research
October, 2016

This short thematic study challenges the assumption that the legal framework to recognize and protect indigenous peoples’ (IP) customary lands is adequate and that the challenge lies in its implementation. With support from MRLG, a core group of IP NGOs of the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Alliance (CIPA) held a series of seminars to scrutinize this legal framework, identify gaps and make recommendations for a revision of the supporting legal framework. The thematic study documents this joint reflection.

Sub Decree on Procedures of Registration of Land of Indigenous Communities

Legislation & Policies
National Policies
May, 2009

"Article 1. The purposes of this Sub-Decree are to determine principles, procedures, and mechanisms for the registration of land of indigenous communities as collective title.

Article 2. The objectives of this Sub-Decree are to provide indigenous communities with legal rights over land tenure, to ensure land tenure security, and to protect collective ownership by preserving the identity, culture, good custom and tradition of each indigenous community."