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Climate Change (Management) Act 2015 (No. 19 of 2015).

Papua New Guinea

This Act provides a framework for the development and implementation of measures in Papua New Guinea to combat climate change in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol and other international agreements and programmes. The Act establishes the Climate Change and Development Authority, the National Climate Change Board, a Screening Committee and the Climate Change and Green Growth Trust Fund. It provides with respect to climate change related project agreements, i.e.

Measures of Tianjin Municipality for implementing the Water and Soil Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China.

Eastern Asia

These Measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions in the Water and Soil Conservation Law, aiming to prevent and control water and soil loss, protect and rationally utilize water and soil resources, reduce flood, drought, sandstorm disasters, improve the ecological environment, and ensure the sustainable economic and social development. The Text consists of 28 Articles.The municipal water administrative department shall carry out the investigation of soil and water loss every five years and shall make a public announcement of the results according to law.

Acuerdo Nº 10 - Adopta el esquema para la Estrategia de Articulación Nación-Territorio.

South America

El presente Acuerdo define y adopta el esquema para la Estrategia de Articulación Nación-Territorio, con el objeto de generar los mecanismos que identifiquen y reconozcan las competencias y capacidades de las entidades en los distintos niveles, y fortalezcan las instituciones para la apropiación de la política pública de prevención y atención integral de la población desplazada en el ámbito territorial.

Implementa: Decreto Nº 250 - Plan Nacional para la Atención Integral a la Población Desplazada por la Violencia. (2005-02-07)

Food Security Policy.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Food Security Policy is a national instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, whose long-term goal is to significantly improve food security of the population. The goal implies increasing agricultural productivity as well as diversity and sustainable agricultural growth and development.The policy aims to help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.

Ley Nº 41 - Ley General de Ambiente. Texto refundido.

Central America

La presente Ley establece que la administración del ambiente es una obligación del Estado y, por lo tanto, define los principios y normas básicas para la protección, conservación y recuperación del ambiente, promoviendo el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales. Además, ordena la gestión ambiental y la integra a los objetivos sociales y económicos, a efecto de lograr el desarrollo humano sostenible en el país.

Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of North ...

Eastern Europe

The authorized representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania have agreed on the following: 1)The relations between State Bodies of the Russian Federation and State Bodies of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania shall be governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the present Treaty.

Uganda National Land Policy.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Uganda National Land Policy is a national policy of the Republic of Uganda whose main goal is to ensure an efficient, equitable and optimal utilization and management of Uganda’s land resources for poverty reduction, wealth creation and overall socio-economic development.To this end, the document provides for a set of goals, including in the area of environment.

Décret n° 2014-1216 PM du 21 juillet 2014 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement du Comité Technique Bilatéral de mise en œuvre et de suivi du Plan d'Urgence Gouvernemental.

Middle Africa

Le présent décret fixe les règles de création, d’organisation et de fonctionnement du Comité Technique Bilatéral de mise e œuvre et de suivi du Plan d'Urgence Gouvernemental.Ce Comité constitue une haute instance stratégique de mise en œuvre et de suivi de l'exécution des actions prioritaires retenues autour des plans sectoriels, entre autres, un Plan d'urgence urbain; un Plan d'urgence agriculture et élevage; un Plan d'urgence énergie; un Plan d'urgence eau. Pour accomplir cette mission, le Comité comprend le Comité de Coordination et de Supervision; le Secrétariat Technique.

Règlement grand-ducal concernant les aspects techniques du programme directeur de gestion des risques d’inondation.

Western Europe

Le présent règlement grand-ducal met en exécution la directive 2007/60/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil relative à l’évaluation et à la gestion des risques d’inondation. Aux fins du présent règlement, on entend par: «inondation»: submersion temporaire par l’eau de terres qui ne sont pas submergées en temps normal.

Ministerial Decree No. 79 on approval of general principles and procedures of land zoning.

Western Asia

This Decree determines every zone throughout the entire territory of Azerbaijan and specifies the general principles of these zones separately. This Decree sets forth rules and regulations of determining plots of land for industries, residences, cultural structure, roads, intersections, green areas and other construction areas, considering the impacts of earthquakes, landslides, floods and other natural and man-made disasters and in addition, principles of usage of these areas.

Act on flood prevention.

Eastern Europe

This Act aims at the prevention of floods and lays down: (a) measures to prevent floods and obligations for the assessment and management of flood risks in order to reduce the adverse effect of flooding on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activitiesl (b) planning, organization and management of flood protection; (c) rights and obligations of government bodies, bodies of flood protection, territorial units and municipalities; (d) rights and obligations of legal persons, natural persons to prevent floods; (e) liability for vilolation of the obligations established