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Yale First Nation Final Agreement.

Northern America

The present Agreement - made under section 35 of the Constitutino of Canada - constitutes the full and final settlement in respect of the aboriginal rights, including aboriginal title, in Canada of Yale First Nation. For the purpose of the present Agreement “section 35 Rights of Yale First Nation” means the rights, anywhere in Canada, of Yale First Nation, that are recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

Umbrella Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, the Council for Yukon Indians and the Government of the Yukon.

Northern America

The present Agreement is a political or policy document between the Government of Canada, Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations as represented by the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN). This Agreement is a common template for negotiating First Nation Final Agreements. It is important to note that the Umbrella Final Agreement, on its own, is not a legally enforceable document.

Regulation on the administration of places under the authority of the State such as natural protected areas and natural heritage sites.

Western Asia

This Regulation sets out the rules and procedures of the management and administration of natural protected areas and natural heritage sites falling under the authority of the state. The Regulation also covers rules and procedures of appropriation of such areas as well as managing the rules of selling, exchange and renting.

Implements: Decree Law No. 644 on the establishment and functions of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning. (2011-06-29)

Sechelt Indian Government District Enabling Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 416).

Northern America

The present Act is a piece of companion legislation to the Federal Sechelt Indian Band Self-Government Act and provides for provincial recognition of the Sechelt Indian Government District. The ministry is responsible for section 4, which makes the district eligible for municipal benefits. The rest of the Act is the responsibility of the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation. The text consists of 8 sections.

Sechelt Indian Band Self-Government Act (S.C .1986, c. 27).

Northern America

The purposes of the present Act are to enable the Sechelt Indian Band to establish and maintain self-government for itself and its members on Sechelt lands and to obtain control over and the administration of the resources and services available to its members. Section 5 establishes that the Sechelt Indian Band is hereby established to replace the Indian Act Sechelt Band.

Local Government Act, 1998 (No. 42 of 1998).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides with respect to local government and local authority (i.e. a District Assembly, Town Assembly, Municipal Assembly or City Assembly) in Malawi. For the administration of local government, there shall be local government areas as set out in the First Schedule. This Schedule may be modified by the Minister. For every local government area there shall be an Assembly. An Assembly shall have certain powers with respect to land. Sometimes the consent of the Minister responsible land is required for dealings in land by an Assembly.

Ley del Catastro Inmobiliario del Estado de Baja California.

Central America

La presente Ley establece las normas que rigen el catastro inmobiliario del Estado de Baja California, cuyo objeto consiste en: a) identificar y deslindar los bienes inmuebles, los derechos de vía y espacios públicos; b) integrar y mantener actualizada la información relativa a los registros, padrones y documentos referentes a las características cualitativas y cuantitativas de los bienes inmuebles y aspectos asociados a ellos; c) determinar los valores catastrales de los bienes inmuebles; d) integrar la cartografía catastral de los bienes inmuebles en el territorio del Estado; e) aportar l

Law No. 39/11 amending Law No. 17/10 on the organization and functioning of the Local State Administration Authorities.

Middle Africa

This Law amends Law No. 17/10 on the organization and functioning of the State Local Administration Authorities. Amendments establish new administrative and legal proceedings, in particular: the powers of the Provincial Governor, the Documentation and Information Centre, the filling, the Municipal Council of Auscultation and Social Dialogue and the Directorate of Municipal Bureau.

Código orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD).

South America

El presente Código Orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD), establece la organización político-administrativa del Estado ecuatoriano en el territorio; el régimen de los diferentes niveles de gobiernos autónomos descentralizados y los regímenes especiales, con el fin de garantizar su autonomía política, administrativa y financiera.

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Humano 2012-2016.

National Policies
Central America

El presente documento establece a nivel nacional el plan de desarrollo humano, que contempla líneas de acción y medidas para erradicar la pobreza, garantizar el respeto de los derechos de las personas a satisfacer sus necesidades básicas (alimento, vivienda, salud, educación y seguridad) y conseguir una vida digna para todos los nicaragüenses. El Plan es de carácter intersectorial y abarca el período comprendido entre el 2012 y el 2016.