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Issues land tenure related Blog post
There are 5, 658 content items of different types and languages related to land tenure on the Land Portal.
Displaying 61 - 72 of 162

Three things women in the Arab region told us about their land rights

23 February 2021
Joseph Feyertag

Prindex Researcher Joseph Feyertag sets out some key findings from his latest paper 'How perceived tenure security differs between men and women in the MENA region'


It is for good reason that gender is a major theme at this week’s Arab Land Conference. Around just 5% of women own land or property in the region – one of the lowest rates in the world.


Eight Breakthroughs for Land Rights in 2020

02 February 2021

2020 was a tough year on many fronts, and land rights were no exception. COVID-19 hindered land rights advocates from doing field research, meeting with government officials, prioritizing policy initiatives, and obtaining funding.

Despite these headwinds, we have seen important advances, and the field continues to grow. Here are eight breakthroughs in 2020 to celebrate:

#1: New laws and policies

Open Data and Corruption in Land Governance

29 January 2021
Marcello Demaria

The data revolution – characterised by the transition to big data, open data and new digital data infrastructures [1] – is projected to make an astonishing 44 billion terabytes of digital data and information available by the end of 2020 [2]. Despite this plethora of information now available to us, about 1 billion people in 140 countries still feel insecure about their land and property rights [3].

Land tenure security as a basic building block to guarding and sustaining natural resources

04 December 2020
Francisco Carranza
Joan Mwangi
mariapaola rizzo
Francesca Romano

For centuries, people around the world in the continents of Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America have been living off the forests and other natural resources to sustain their livelihoods, their cultural practices and sometimes even religious rituals.

Three reasons to invest in land tenure security

21 October 2020
Harold Liversage
Giulia Barbanente

For rural people, especially low-income rural people, land and livelihood are one and the same. Access to land means the opportunity to earn a decent income and achieve food and nutrition security, and it can also pave the way for access to social benefits such as health care and education. A lack of secure land access, on the other hand, can disempower rural people and expose them to the combined threats of poverty, hunger and conflict.