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Displaying 289 - 300 of 303

Land Distribution and Rice Sufficiency in Northern Laos

Reports & Research
October, 2016

Backward agriculture, inadequate farm income and absolute poverty have long characterized the economy of developing countries. Unequal distribution of agricultural land is often cited as a source of poverty and inefficiency in agriculture. However, much of literature on smallholders tends to address income inequality and (total) land size, while land inequality has been overlooked in those discourses. In view of filling the research gap, this paper provides a micro-level foundation for discussions on land inequality and food security in Laos as a case study for least developed countries.


Reports & Research
September, 2016
United States of America

Despite the implementation of Bolivia's land reform in 1953, the agrarian structure continues to have an extreme concentration of land. Furthermore, in the last two decades regional agrarian structure have been aggravated by population pressures and a lack of new technological practices for most small scale farmers and peasants. Public and private institutions and urban residents observe hundreds of landless and near-landless families in the cities searching for jobs. Most end up becoming part of the growing unemployed labor force in the urban sector.

Gendered Impact of Irrigated Rice Schemes’ Governance on Farmers’ Income, Productivity and Technical Efficiency in Benin

Reports & Research
October, 2008

Collective actions groups have many advantages and are sometimes essential, yet they can reinforce or perpetuate inter-and intra-gender inequalities when their functioning is left entirely subject to internal community dynamics and they are not well managed. This is well illustrated by the case of Koussin-Lélé rice scheme in the central Benin.

Land Distribution and Financial System Development

Reports & Research
September, 2015

Research on credit markets from developing economies, as well as work on the origin of institutions in general, has suggested that land inequality may play a role in determining financial development. In this paper we establish empirically that initial land inequality is a significant predictor of financial depth across countries, even while controlling for other predictors such as legal origin, ethnic fractionalization, and income inequality.

Nepal: Land for Landless Peasants

Reports & Research
September, 2019


The Lands Act 1964 was the first comprehensive piece of legislation which came into existence to pave the way for land reform. Key objectives of the Act were a) enhancing the standard of living of people dependent on land including through ensuring “equitable distribution of agricultural land”; and b) securing rapid economic development and wellbeing of the general population through attaining optimum agricultural growth.

تشريع استرجاع الأراضي (في ليبيا)

Reports & Research
May, 2013
Northern Africa

قدم هذا التقرير مراجعة قانونية " لمشروع القانون والذى يقوم باقتراح بعض الأحكام بشأن الممتلكات المنقولة للدولة، وذلك بموجب القانون رقم 4 لسنة 7911 (مشروع القانون)"، الذي نشرته وزارة العدل بالحكومة الليبية في مارس 2013م . ولا يعد هذا التقرير مقتصراً على مناقشة مشروع القانون المعنىّ، إذ يسلّط الضوء على القضايا الرئيسة المختصة بأي استرجاع، والذى من شأن القانون أن يعالجه. ويعتمد مشروع القانون في معالجته على أسس العدالة الاجتماعية وأفضل الممارسات الدولية المتعلقة  باسترجاع  الممتلكات، بما في ذلك التعويض.

The ‘Evidentiary Bind’ in Postwar Land Restitution: The Case of Sri Lanka

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2019
Sri Lanka

The enormity of the world’s dislocated population generated by contemporary conflicts has brought significant attention to a complicated process of returning housing, land and property (HLP) to their rightful occupants once conditions permit. As the complexity of large-scale HLP restitution becomes increasingly apparent, significant obstacles emerge that require examination. This article describes how the ‘evidentiary bind’ is such an obstacle.

Acceso a la tierra en el Ecuador a partir de sus políticas públicas más recientes

Reports & Research
March, 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean

Considerando un proceso de más de cinco siglos de desagregación y consolidación de la desigualdad, el presente documento busca centrar su análisis en las más recientes políticas públicas sobre tierra: ¿qué tipo de política?, ¿cuáles fueron sus resultados?, ¿qué impacto tuvo sobre la estructura encontrada?, ¿qué deja?, ¿qué resulta relevante?