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Land Tenure in Cambodia: A Data Update

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2001

ABSTRACTED FROM THE OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to identify, scrutinise and comment upon the quality and adequacy of different existing large data sets (available from government ministries, international organisations, research institutions and so forth) that contain information on land use, tenure and related issues. It then analyses these data to establish linkages between standards of living/poverty and landholding.

Land Ownership, Sales and Concentration in Cambodia: A Preliminary Review of Secondary Data and Primary Data from Four Recent Surveys

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2000

Land is the most important productive asset in agrarian societies such as Cambodia’s. Throughout Cambodian history, land ownership rights have varied with changes in government. In the period before French colonisation (pre-1863), when all land belonged to the sovereign, people were freely allowed to till unoccupied land and could cultivate as much as they liked. With French colonisation, a property-rights system was introduced in 1884.

Land Conflicts in India: An Interim Analysis

Reports & Research
November, 2016

Land and resource conflicts in India have deep implications for the well-being of the country’s people, institutions, investments, and long-term development. These conflicts reveal deep structural flaws in the country’s social, agrarian, and institutional structures, including ambiguities in property rights regimes and institutions. In 2014, a study focusing primarily on reports in the national media reflected the gravity of these conflicts.

Reivindicación por el Territorio en el Departamento del Cauca: Consejo Comunitario Comunidad Negra del Pílamo y Palenque

Reports & Research
November, 2015

Se trata del caso del Consejo Comunitario comunidad negra de Pilamo y Palenque, reconocido como territorio por ley, a partir de procesos de ocupación pacífica de ttierras, negociación de compra de las mismas por parte del Estado y la correspondiente adjudicación.

La perseverancia de las mujeres para acceder a tierras en Chiara

Reports & Research
July, 2016

Las mujeres en la región de Ayacucho, Perú, especialmente afectadas por décadas de discriminación y violencia, incluida la violencia política, así como relegadas al trabajo doméstico, obtuvieron en este nuevo siglo el acceso a la tierra como propietarias individuales. Para lograrlo, las mujeres tuvieron que organizarse para demandar el derecho a poseer tierra ante su comunidad y ante el Estado.

Evaluating Impacts of Urban Land Titling: Results and Implications: Preliminary Findings

Reports & Research
October, 2006

This paper contains a preliminary summary of key issues and findings from a desk review of
the literature on land titling projects and programmes in urban and peri-urban areas of
developing countries. It draws on a large number of documents, not all of which have been
incorporated into the review at the time of writing. The present bibliography will be
expanded in the final text of the review which is to be completed by early December 2006.

Pilot Land Tenure Registration in Rwanda: Evidence of Initial Impacts

Reports & Research
November, 2010

A survey of some 3,500 households in and adjacent to land tenure regularization (LTR) pilot cells was undertaken some 2.5 years after completion of the LTR pilot. The results of the survey provide evidence on the fairness and gender inclusiveness of the regularization process, households’ knowledge of the law, and initial investment impacts. A large majority of those asked perceived the process as very fair and transparent. It was, however, more thorough and inclusive in rural than in urban areas, where more than 11 percent of certificates could not be issued because of a pending conflict.

Property Rights and Productivity: The Case of Joint Land Titling in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

This paper explores the effect of land titling on agricultural productivity in Vietnam and the productivity effects of single versus joint titling for husband and wife. Using a plot-fixed-effects approach our results show that obtaining a land title is associated with higher yields, for both individually and jointly held titles. We conclude that there is no trade-off between joint titling and productivity, and so joint titles are potentially an effective way to improve women’s bargaining power within the household with no associated efficiency losses.

Strategies to Get Gender Onto the Agenda of the “Land Grab” Debate

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

The International Land Coalition (ILC)’s Commercial Pressures on Land initiative aims to support the efforts of ILC members and other stakeholders to influence global, regional, and national processes to enable secure and equitable access to land for poor women and men in the face of increasing commercial demand. Its global research contains a careful and focused analysis of the gendered impacts of commercial pressures on land (CPL), and especially the impacts on women.