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Issuesland investmentsLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 301 - 312 of 900

Impact Assessment Study of Socio-Economic Development Programmes – A case Study of Himachal Pradesh

Reports & Research
March, 2000

Impact Assessment Study of Socio-Economic Development Programmes in Himachal Pradesh, sponsored by the Planning Commission, Government of India has been conducted by Asia pacific Socio-Economic Research Institute, New Delhi from December 1999 to February 2000. 

Agricultural land investments and water management in the office du Niger, Mali: options for improved water pricing

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

Large-scale agricultural land investments in Africa are often considered solely from the land perspective. Yet land, water and other natural resources are closely interlinked in agricultural production and in sustaining rural livelihoods. Such investments involving irrigation will potentially have implications for water availability and utilization by other users, making it imperative to regard water as an economic rather than a free good.

Can current land and water governance systems promote sustainable and equitable large-scale agricultural investments in sub-Saharan Africa?

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2015

Ever since the oil, financial and food crises of 2008, sub-Saharan Africa has witnessed a marked increase in large-scale investment in agricultural land. The drivers of this investment are varied and include growing food, water and energy insecurity as well as social and economic interests of investors and recipient countries. The shape of these investments and their eventual outcomes are equally influenced by the existing land and water governance systems in the host countries.

Access to and distribution of agricultural land

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2008

This article is an extract from the bigger document. This articles briefly highlights that the land distribution remains highly unequal in some regions,  Productivity growth of high-input agriculture has slowed down, Increased awareness regarding the detrimental effects of DDT has led to its elimination in many countries, Land under organic farming is increasing but remains concentrated in a few countries.

Bankrolling India’s dirty dozen

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2016

An analysis paper by Dustin Hoasa on the World Bank Group's lending practices, part 2 in Inclusive Development International (IDI)'s 'Outsourcing Development' series. Published by IDI in collaboration with the Bank Information Center, 11.11.11, Urgewald and Accountability Counsel in the United States, December 2016.

Power, progress and impoverishment: Plantations, hydropower, ecological change and community transformation in Hinboun District, Lao PDR

Reports & Research
December, 2007

This report documents the contemporary ecological, social and economic transformations occurring in one village in Lao PDR’s central Khammouane province under multiple sources of development-induced displacement. Rural development policy in Laos is focused on promoting rapid rural modernisation, to be achieved through foreign direct investments in two key resource sectors: hydropower and plantations. Laos’ land reformprogram is also a key component of the changes underway in the countryside, as swidden (or shifting) upland cultivation is targeted for stabilisation and elimination.

Trying to follow the Money: Possibilities and limits of investor transparency in Southeast Asia’s rush for “available” land

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2015

This study uses publicly available financial and spatial data to examine the geography of land-intensive investment in Southeast Asia, and to identify the
limits imposed by problems with data availability. It focuses on three regions where land has been widely seen to be available for new investment: Indonesia’s outer islands; the “development triangle” where Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam meet; and the Golden Quadrangle region which comprises the borderlands of northeastern Myanmar, northwestern Laos, southern and western Yunnan, and northern Thailand.

Struggling against excuses: winning back land in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2017

This paper focuses on one community in Cambodia that won back land from a large land deal by grabbing onto the rupture in property relations initiated by a one-year land titling campaign. I document the struggle between competing legibility and illegibility projects which I examine through two moments, one of the state choosing to see its population and their relations to territory, and another in which the state’s excuses for not recognizing smallholders’ claims began to falter.

‘Better-practice’ Concessions? Some Lessons from Cambodia’s Leopard Skin Landscape

Reports & Research
December, 2015

This article focuses on two cases where companies have sought to develop more socially benign––and, they believe, more profitable and sustainable––plantation concessions in a context that is still marred by extensive land conflict. The first is the Mong Reththy Investment Cambodia Oil Palm (MRICOP) Company (Preah Sihanouk province); the second is the Grandis Timber Company (Kampong Speu province).

Inside and outside the maps: mutual accommodation and forest destruction in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2017

This article focuses on how climate change mitigation policies and economic land and mining concessions in Prey Lang, Cambodia, accommodate and facilitate each other physically, discursively and economically. Maps and project descriptions reveal that climate-related policies and extraction coexist in the same landscape, even the same projects. Knowledge co-produced by the authors and affected individuals suggests that climate change mitigation initiatives are not only intimately linked to economic intensification in Prey Lang, but they also contribute to conflict and dispossession.

Guiding principles towards responsible agricultural investment in Lao PDR

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2017

A discussion note from Mekong Region Land governance (MRLG) summarizing findings and recommendations of a multi-stakeholder initiative and study tour conducted in Southern Laos, to study the social and environmental practices of two large scale companies holding large scale concessions in Lao PDR, published by MRLG in January 2017.