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Reports & Research
June, 2012

• In the past year, the Tatmadaw has deployed nearly 25% of its battalions to Kachin
State, escalating its war with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and bringing
further suffering to civilian populations in Kachin State and Northern Shan State.
• Tatmadaw soldiers have constantly targeted civilians in Kachin State and Northern
Shan States as part of their military operations against the KIA. Human rights abuses
have included extrajudicial killings, rape of women, arbitrary arrests, torture, forced

Humanitarian Bulletin - Myanmar Issue 7: December 2015 (English and Burmese)

Reports & Research

In this issue: 2015 displacement in Kachin and Shan...
2,000 still displaced in southern Shan...
Winter needs for IDPs in Sumprabum....
Cash assistance following floods...
Providing access to reproductive healthcare...
Ending recruitment of child soldiers.....HIGHLIGHTS:
• Around 100,000 people were newly displaced in Kachin and Shan states in 2015; about 90 per cent have since returned home...
• Almost 2,000 people remain displaced following armed conflict in southern Shan...

Humanitarian Bulletin - Myanmar Issue: November 2012

Reports & Research
October, 2012

Dire humanitarian needs P.1...
Access constraints P.2...
Funding requirements P.3...
Sector needs and responses P.4.....


The Government reports that the total estimated number of IDPs in Rakhine reached 115,000 people, including over 36,000 newly displaced in late October.

Up to 75,000 people are estimated to have been displaced by insecurity in Kachin and northern Shan States which started in June 2011.

The Government indicates that at least 17 people were killed and 114 injured due to an earthquake in upper Myanmar.

Pushed to the Brink - Conflict and human trafficking on the Kachin-China border

Reports & Research
June, 2013

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: "The Burmese government’s renewed war against the Kachin has exponentially increased the risk
of human trafficking along the China-Burma border. New documentation by KWAT indicates that large-scale
displacement, lack of refugee protection and shortages of humanitarian aid have become significant new push
factors fuelling the trafficking problem.
Burma Army offensives against the Kachin Independence Army since June 2011 and widespread human rights

Midcourse Manoeuvres: Overview of Community Strategies and Remedies for Natural Resource Conflicts in India, Indonesia and Myanmar

Reports & Research
May, 2018
Southern Asia

Land transformation has been at the centre of the economic growth of post-colonial Asia. In the 1990s, many Asian countries embraced economic liberalization and speculative business interests in land began to replace the state’s control of land for developmental purposes. The growing demand for land by corporations and private investors has fuelled several regional land rush waves in Asia, bringing them directly in conflict with communities that require these lands for their occupations and survival.

Ribeirinhos do São Francisco e a resistência frente à construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Riacho Seco: o caso do município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista/PE

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2016
Este trabalho tem como objetivo, entender o processo de resistência no campo e na cidade na região do Submédio São Francisco, em especial a atuação do processo de resistência dos povos ribeirinhos do município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista – PE. Em função da eminente construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Riacho Seco, a mesma não tendo prosseguimento no licenciamento e leilão, ficando no Estudo de Impacto Ambiental – (EIA) sem concluir o Relatório de Impacto Ambiental – (RIMA) assim a

Gestion et prévention des conflits fonciers au Sahel, quel rôle pour les collectivités locales ?

Reports & Research
June, 2018
Sub-Saharan Africa

Date: 24 juillet 2018

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Réseau Désertification Sahel 

La situation actuelle des pays du Sahel est caractérisée par une forte croissance démographique et l’épuisement des ressources naturelles, ce qui conduit à une compétition accrue pour l’exploitation des ressources naturelles, provoquant des conflits entre les opérateurs ruraux.

Urban Property Ownership and the Maintenance of Communal Land Rights in Zimbabwe

Reports & Research
September, 1999

Short summary of a Ph.D. thesis. The dominance of the white farm issue has delayed serious attention to more subtle land conflicts. Thesis focuses on the continued maintenance of communal land rights by urban property owners. Explores what would happen if these rights disappeared. In reality and in the absence of explicit state policy, poor families and women are already relinquishing these rights, which has very practical implications for urbanisation.

Land Rights and Land Conflicts in Africa: A review of issues and experiences

Reports & Research

Based on experiences gained by the 3 authors through previous research activities and assignments in different parts of Africa and reading of existing literature. Identifies and discusses what is seen as being the most important issues in the ongoing debate about African land rights and land conflicts. Presents and discusses various policy approaches being adopted on the continent to solve land tenure problems and related conflicts.

Rural Land Tenure and Sustainable Development in the Sahel and West Africa, Regional Summary Report

Reports & Research
November, 2003

Contains introduction; background; the principle orientations of Praia; status of implementation of the Praia orientation in CILSS member states (Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Chad); land tenure situation of the underprivileged groups; management of land conflicts; implementation difficulties and lessons learned; overview of the land tenure situation in some coastal West African countries (Benin, Ghana, Togo); emerging land issues; towards regional charter on rural land in the Sahel and West Africa; appendices with summary table of the policies, legislations an

Power and Rights in the Community: Paralegals as Leaders in Women’s Legal Empowerment in Tanzania

Reports & Research
March, 2018

What can an analysis of power in local communities contribute to debates on women’s legal empowerment and the role of paralegals in Africa? Drawing upon theories of power and rights, and research on legal empowerment in African plural legal systems, this article explores the challenges for paralegals in facilitating women’s access to justice in Tanzania, which gave statutory recognition to paralegals in the Legal Aid Act 2017. Land conflicts represent the single-biggest source of local legal disputes in Tanzania and are often embedded in gendered land tenure relations.