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Issues women related Event
There are 4, 458 content items of different types and languages related to women on the Land Portal.
Displaying 49 - 60 of 80

CFS Side Event: How the VGGT have changed rural women's lives: Key strategies and innovations towards gender equality

15 October 2019
Iran Room
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

The purpose of the side event is to showcase key strategies and innovations that are contributing to gender equality in agriculture and land tenure in the context of the VGGT.

Land Portal Foundation

Women Deliver 2019 Conference

03 June 2019 - 06 June 2019

The Women Deliver 2019 Conference will take place 3-6 June 2019 in Vancouver, Canada and will be the world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women in the 21st century. It will serve as a catalyst for advocates working to achieve a more gender equal world.

Women Deliver

Festival: Making the Linkages between Open Data and Land in East Africa

08 May 2019
6th Floor, Senteu Plaza, Galana/Lenana Road Junction

You are invited to join a lively festival devoted to building an open data community in East Africa and making the linkages between open data and land on May 8th from 5PM-9PM at IHUB.

This festival aims bring together local open data aficionados together with l experts from East Africa and beyond as well as international partners.

Land Portal Foundation
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Local Development Research Institute
Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development

Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019

22 June 2019 - 23 June 2019

In 2019 the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) will focus the world’s attention on the fundamental importance of rights to address the current environmental crisis. Linking people to landscapes, the GLF will explore the essential contributions of indigenous peoples, local communities, and rural and indigenous women and youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement targets on climate change, highlighting the transformative role of rights and rights-based approaches in securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all. Woven across the year’s events, these priorities will form the centerpiece of the annual conference in Bonn, Germany – to be held on June 22–23 alongside the intersessional climate talks – making it the world’s single largest forum on rights and sustainable landscapes.

Global Landscapes Forum