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Displaying 733 - 744 of 2122

Tunisia : Understanding Successful Socioeconomic Development, A Joint World Bank–Islamic Development Bank Evaluation of Assistance

June, 2012

Tunisia has successfully shifted from
resource-based exports dominated by oil and gas to
manufactures and services. The economy is now driven mainly
by textile, electrical, mechanical, and food processing
exports; tourism and related activities; and production of
olives and cereals. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
has been rising consistently, increasing from 3 percent
annually over 1985-90 to more than 5 percent annually over

Enhancing Food Security in Afghanistan : Private Markets and Public Policy Options

April, 2014

This report analyzes some key aspects of
food security, namely production, trade, markets and food
aid at the national level, and consumption at the household
level. In doing so it aspires to make a contribution to the
on-going work in Afghanistan regarding the attainment of the
poverty and hunger Millennium Development Goal. The major
findings of the report can be summarized as follows: Food
security (at the national level) does not necessarily

Major Challenges for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mekong River Delta

March, 2013

The study focuses on analyzing and
assessing some main features of the situation and the
implementation results of Comprehensive Poverty Reduction
and Growth Strategy (CPRGS) in order to identify major
challenges for economic growth and poverty reduction, which
will serve as the basis for the proposal of policy framework
to overcome the challenges as well as achieve the basic
targets for economic growth and poverty reduction in the

Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes

June, 2012

This volume contributes to broadening
the understanding and application of the concept of
mainstreaming biodiversity. It captures the inputs to, and
findings of an international workshop held in Cape Town,
South Africa, in September 2004 on Mainstreaming
Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors. The aims
of the workshop were to: determine an operational definition
of the concept of mainstreaming biodiversity in production

Striking a Better Balance : Volume 1. The World Bank Group and Extractive Industries

April, 2014

In July 2001, the extractive industries
review (EIR) was initiated with the appointment of Dr. Emil
Salim, former Minister of the Environment for Indonesia, as
eminent person to the review. The EIR was designed to engage
all stakeholders-governments, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), indigenous peoples' organizations, affected
communities and community-based organizations, labor unions,
industry, academia, international organizations, and the

Sustaining Forests : A Development Strategy

August, 2013

Forest resources directly contribute to
the livelihoods of 90 percent of the 1.2 billion people
living in extreme poverty and indirectly support the natural
environment that nourishes agriculture and the food supplies
of nearly half the population of the developing world.
Forests also are central to growth in many developing
countries through trade and industrial development. However,
mismanagement of this resource has cost governments revenues

The Dynamics of Vertical Coordination in Agrifood Chains in Eastern Europe and Centra Asia

June, 2012
Eastern Europe

A major problem in the Europe and
Central Asia (ECA) agricultural sector and rural areas
during the transition was the breakdown of the relationships
of farms with input suppliers and output markets. The
simultaneous privatization and restructuring of the farms
and of the up- and downstream companies in the agrifood
chain have caused major disruptions. The result is that many
farms and rural households face serious constraints in

Fostering Community-Driven Development : What Role for the State?

August, 2014

States can do much to tap
community-level energies, and resources for development, if
they seek to interact more synergistically with local
communities. The broader spin-off is creating a
developmental society, and polity. Using case studies from
Asia and Latin America, the authors show how: 1) State
efforts to bring about land reform, tenancy reform, and
expanding non-crop sources of income, can broaden the

Turkmenistan : An Assessment of Leasehold-based Farm Restructuring

June, 2013

Turkmenistan's unique approach to
land reform and farm restructuring has produced a
significant shift to individual or household-based farming,
with more than three-quarters of the arable land leased to
individual households or small groups. Most leaseholders
consider this land to be rightfully theirs, and they expect
to keep it in the future, either as private owners, or
through extension of their leasehold. However, individual

Making a Large Irrigation Scheme Work : A Case Study from Mali

June, 2012

This report analyzes the
government's decision on the outcome of a series of
small power shifts triggered by pro-reform players. Reform
advocates devised them whenever opportunities arose and used
whatever maneuvering room there was to tilt the power
balance between agency and farmers to further the goals of
sustainability and partnership. The shifts were thought out
for their strategic value, but most came without a timeline

Albania : Poverty Assessment

July, 2013

Despite the impressive performance of
the economy in the last five years, however, poverty in
Albania has remained high, and per capita income, at around
US$1,230 in 2002, has remained one of the lowest among
transition economies. In an effort to adopt policies to
share widely the benefits of growth, and reduce poverty, the
Government outlined a poverty alleviation strategy in the
2000 Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (I-PRSP), and

The Impact of Climate Change on African Agriculture : A Ricardian Approach

June, 2012

This paper uses the Ricardian approach
to examine how farmers in 11 countries in Africa have
adapted to existing climatic conditions. It then estimates
the effects of predicted changes in climate while accounting
for whatever farmer adaptation might occur. This study
differs from earlier ones by using farmers' own
perceptions of the value of their land. Previous research,
by contrast, has relied on either observed sale prices or