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Displaying 553 - 564 of 2122

Non-traditional Crops, Traditional Constraints : Long-Term Welfare Impacts of Export Crop Adoption among Guatemalan Smallholders

March, 2012

This study documents the long-term
welfare effects of household non-traditional agricultural
export (NTX) adoption. The analysis uses a unique panel
dataset, which spans the period 1985-2005, and employs
difference-in-differences estimation to investigate the
long-term impact of non-traditional agricultural export
adoption on changes in household consumption status and
asset position in the Central Highlands of Guatemala. Given

Mozambique - Municipal Development in Mozambique : Lessons from the First Decade - Full report

March, 2012

Municipalities in Mozambique were
established by law in 1997 and elected in 1998 for the first
time, only a few years after the peace agreement. Most
inherited archaic and dysfunctional remnants of colonial and
central government systems and infrastructure, and as such
limited progress was achieved in transforming them into
functioning local governments during the first mandate
(1998-2002). During the second mandate (2003-2008), however,

Cameroon - Agricultural Value Chain : Competitiveness Study

June, 2012

This study, competitiveness of the value
chain of the agricultural sector in Cameroon, aims to help
the Government achieve its objectives for the rural sector.
The main objective of this study was to provide information
on the potentials, investment and growth policies of
commercial agriculture in Cameroon. It gives an overview of
the constraints and analyzes the national, regional or
international competitiveness of six value chains of the

China Urbanizes : Consequences, Strategies, and Policies

May, 2012

Rural-urban migration is playing an
increasingly important role in shaping the economic and
demographic landscape of Chinese cities. Over the past two
decades, China has transformed itself from a relatively
immobile society to one in which more than 10 percent of the
population are migrants. China's mobility rate is still
low compared with that of advanced industrial economies, the
sheer size of the migrant flows and their dramatic economic

Liberia : Gender-Aware Programs and Women's Roles in Agricultural Value Chains

June, 2014

This Policy Memorandum provides policy
advice to the government of Liberia (GOL) in an effort to
mainstream gender issues in policies, programs, and projects
supporting agricultural production and value-chain
development. It is organized as follows. Section I reviews
women's roles in Liberian agriculture and agricultural
value chains, drawing on a variety of data sources,
including the 2007 Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire

Mexico - Agriculture and Rural Development Public Expenditure Review

March, 2012

This study examines agricultural and
rural development (ARD) public expenditures in Mexico. The
study is based on federal public expenditures. The study is
structured in six parts as follows: the first part presents
the Mexican ARD context in terms of policy and performance.
The second part dissects the ARD public budget, classifying
expenditure programs in various ways so as to provide an
overview of the scope and composition of ARD spending. The

Argentina - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture

August, 2012

This country note briefly summarizes
information relevant to both climate change and agriculture
in Argentina, with focus on policy developments (including
action plans and programs) and institutional make-up.
Argentina is one of the four developing countries in the
world to have submitted two national communications to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), indicating strong commitment by the government for

Gender and Economic Growth in Tanzania : Creating Opportunities for Women

June, 2012

The World Bank Group recognizes the
critical importance of women's contribution to shared
economic growth, especially in Africa. Women's
important contribution to economic activity in Tanzania is
well recognized: In the 2006 World Economic Forum Global
Gender Gap report Tanzania was ranked number 1 globally, out
of 115 countries, in terms of women's economic
participation. This paper includes the following headings:

A Conceptual Framework for a Training Curriculum on Natural Disaster Risk Reduction and Management for Agriculture and the Rural Space

April, 2016

This paper presents the conceptual framework for a training program on
integrating disaster risk reduction and climate-change mitigation into
Agriculture and Rural Development Department (ARD) programming. Its
target audience consists of World Bank task team leaders and their national
counterparts and partners working in agriculture and rural settings.

China - From Poor Areas to Poor People : China's Evolving Poverty Reduction Agenda - An Assessment of Poverty and Inequality in China : Executive Summary

March, 2012

China's progress in poverty
reduction over the last 25 years is enviable. One cannot
fail to be impressed by what this vast nation of 1.3 billion
people has achieved in so little time. In terms of a wide
range of indicators, the progress has been remarkable.
Poverty in terms of income and consumption has been
dramatically reduced. Progress has also been substantial in
terms of human development indicators. Most of the

Colombia - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture

August, 2012

This country note briefly summarizes
information relevant to both climate change and agriculture
in Colombia, with focus on policy developments (including
action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like
most countries in Latin America, Colombia has submitted one
national communication to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one
under preparation. Agriculture (including land use change

The Impact of Remittances on Rural Poverty and Inequality in China

May, 2012

Large numbers of agricultural labor
moved from the countryside to cities after the economic
reforms in China. Migration and remittances play an
important role in transforming the structure of rural
household income. This paper examines the impact of
rural-to-urban migration on rural poverty and inequality in
the case of Hubei province using the data of a 2002
household survey. Since remittances are a potential