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How can governments and investors be held to account for land deals in Africa?

Reports & Research
December, 2015

Comments on the IDRC workshop on LSLAs and accountability in Africa, Dakar, 24-25 November 2015. The current IDRC programme supports 5 action research projects across 10 countries in West, East and Southern Africa. They investigate how to build accountability over land governance. This requires a multi-level strategy at both policy and community level. The most contentious debate was about valuation, benefit-sharing and compensation because compensation almost always fails to take full account of the real value of natural resources in people’s lives.

Traditional Land Matters – A Look into Land Administration in Tribal Areas in Kwazulu-Natal

Reports & Research
June, 2004

Describes current land administration practices as understood by traditional structures to unpack some components of existing African tenure arrangements in KwaZulu-Natal. Hoped this will help better to understand how communal land systems operate, regardless of which structure governs them, in order to support practices that secure tenure effectively.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Smallholder Perceptions and Experience of Land access and Tenure Security in the Cotton Belt of Northern Mozambique

Reports & Research
April, 2002

Covers land use patterns in the Cotton Belt – joint venture companies, smallholders and privados, research questions and characteristics of the 5 study zones, smallholder perceptions of land tenure security and experiences with conflict in the Cotton Belt. Challenges widely held beliefs about land tenure and access in the smallholder sector in Mozambique. Provisions in the new legal framework will not be sufficient to eliminate or adjudicate land conflicts between smallholders. The research results reveal significant variation in the size of household landholdings.

Challenges in Land Tenure and Land Reform in Africa: An Anthropological Perspective

Reports & Research
March, 2007

The paper discusses the interface of anthropological research on land with policy positions across formative periods – from the colonial period through to the present as land tenure reform has repeatedly become a development priority; and recent research on intensifying competition over land, its intersection with competition over legitimate authority, new types of land transfers, the role of claims of indigeneity or autochthony in land conflicts, and the challenges of increasing social inequality and of commodification of land for analysis and for land reform.

A Guide to, and some Comments on, the World Bank’s Policy Research Report (PRR), ‘Land Policy for Pro-Poor Growth and Development’

Reports & Research
December, 2002

A guide to the World Bank’s Policy Research Report on land policy, on which an email discussion takes place from 30 December 2002 to 10 January 2003. Details the websites for the Report and the discussion. Asks whether it was worth engaging in the PRR process, examines the Report’s structure and says what it does not contain, offers general and particular comments, and concludes by saying don’t forget the politics.

Working on Land – History, Rights and Grabbing – in the Academic, NGO and Consultancy Worlds, 1964-2014

Reports & Research
October, 2014

Paper written for Democracy, Land and Liberation in Africa Today: Bridging Past and Present Scholarship. A colloquium in honour of Lionel Cliffe held at the University of Cape Town. Includes the academic world, 1960-84 (universities in Southern Africa, my academic writing); the NGO world, 1987-2007 (Oxfam’s Southern Africa Desk, women’s land rights, working with Zimbabwean researchers, land and property rights in post-tsunami Aceh; the consultancy world (Zimbabwe 1999, South Africa 2000 DLA, South Africa 2001 the LRC); an academic again in retirement?

A Short Reference Note on the World Bank’s Regional Workshop on Land Issues in Africa, Kampala, Uganda, April 29 – May 2, 2002

Reports & Research
July, 2002

The note publicises the existence of the papers which were given at the World Bank’s Africa Workshop, provides the hyperlink references to the pdf files where they can be found, and highlights those which the writer found to be of greatest interest. The Bank would appreciate feedback on its draft Policy Research Paper.

A Review for LandNet Rwanda of the Draft National Land Policy – and beyond

Reports & Research
November, 2001

Comprises introduction; immediate background; Lisa Jones’ summary of the National Land Policy; thoughts on the Policy now; the future – the key question of resources; NGO experiences elsewhere of implementing land policy and law; annexes with extract on land and settlement from the PRSP, and extracts from previous comments on the draft Land Policy. Suggests that, since the Policy is likely soon to be approved, LandNet Rwanda should focus its attention on implementation.

Foreword to Women’s Rights to Land & Privatization in Eastern Africa

Reports & Research
November, 2008

An exciting new collection inspired by a 2003 Oxfam/FAO workshop in Pretoria. Foreword briefly looks at the struggle for women’s land rights across the globe and the lack of concrete gains. Women have been confronted by resistance and patriarchy. Many land reform programmes over the past 60 years were falsely premised on notions of a unitary household. Women were disadvantaged by the codification of customary law in colonial Africa and are now by privatization in a context exacerbated by the coming of HIV and AIDS, which is breaking down notions of reciprocity.

Land Tenure Insecurity on the Zambian Copperbelt, 1998: Anyone Going Back to the Land?

Reports & Research
March, 2001

Outlines Oxfam’s land research on the Copperbelt in 1998. Updated version of 1998 paper examining how people whose livelihoods once depended on the copper mines have begun looking for land and the problems they have encountered on forest and ZCCM land, with the 1995 Lands Act, and with party politics. Highlights the lack of coordinated responses to the problem and concludes with the main developments following the sale of the mines in 2000 and the attitudes of the new owners towards squatters.

Land Reform in the Broader Context of Southern Africa

Reports & Research
April, 2008

Contains introduction; global – a new threat to poor people’s land – biofuels, older threats, decentralisation; regional � ten years ago, regional land policy review, 2006-7, donors, governments and civil society, the policy-implementation gap, decentralisation, your research programme – DLRSA; conclusion. Argues that since policy engagement at the national level in the past decade has not brought too many successes, more might be achieved in future at the decentralised local level.