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IssuesIndigenous PeoplesLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 181 - 192 of 1037

Food Insecurity and Public Agricultural Spending in Bolivia : Putting Money Where Your Mouth Is?

March, 2012

This paper explores the reduction of
food insecurity in Bolivia, adopting a supply side approach
that analyzes the role of agricultural spending on
vulnerability. Vulnerability to food insecurity is captured
by a municipal level composite -- developed locally within
the framework of World Food Program food security analysis
-- that combines welfare outcomes, weather conditions and
agricultural potential for all 327 municipalities in 2003,

The World Bank's Evolutionary Approach to Mining Sector Reform

May, 2014

In this report, in addition to aggregate
results, six brief case studies are used to highlight the
impact of Bank supported mining sector reform on various
indicators at different links of the value chain. These
include: the impacts on investment; production and
employment in Argentina; institutional capacity building in
Papua New Guinea; production and fiscal revenues in
Tanzania; community and regional development in Madagascar;

Democratic Republic of Congo - Strategic Framework for the Preparation of a Pygmy Development Program

March, 2012

The study presents an analysis of the
situation of the Pygmies in Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC), including their history and relations with the other,
mainly Bantu, populations. It provides a brief description
of their lifestyle, their socioeconomic status, and a
participatory diagnosis of the key factors that lead to
their current impoverishment and marginalization. The study
discusses the rationale for protecting Pygmy culture and

Delivering Services in Multicultural Societies

March, 2012

The last two decades have witnessed a
growing recognition of the importance of taking cultural and
ethnic diversity into consideration when designing and
implementing development programs. As societies around the
world have become more culturally diverse, and the role
culture plays in the formation of identity has become better
understood, governments are beginning to pay greater
attention to the management of cultural diversity and are

Ecuador - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture

August, 2012

This country note briefly summarizes
information relevant to both climate change and agriculture
in Ecuador, with focus on policy developments (including
action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like
most countries in Latin America, Ecuador has submitted one
national communication to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one
under preparation. Land use change and forestry are the

Environment Matters at the World Bank, 2009 Annual Review : Banking on Biodiversity

Reports & Research
March, 2012

This issue of environment matters
celebrates the 2010 international year of biodiversity and
describes some of the challenges and opportunities in
protecting biodiversity for the benefit of humankind. From
the world's highest mountain ranges to the lowland
plains, and from the great oceans and coastal wetlands to
agricultural landscapes, nations and communities rely on the
bounty and services of natural ecosystems. Biological

The Philippines : Country Environmental Analysis

March, 2012

The objectives of this Country
Environmental Analysis (CEA) were to assess the
environmental quality in the Philippines with a focus on how
this affects human welfare and sustainability, measure and
analyze the biophysical significance and monetary cost of
environmental degradation and derive priority areas of
action, assess the Philippines government's capacity to
manage the environmental challenges identified, and identify

Environmental Governance in Oil-Producing Developing Countries : Findings from a Survey of 32 Countries

May, 2014

The Petroleum Governance Initiative
(PGI) encompasses three general themes, or pillars, that
address issues issues of transparency and economic
responsibility, environmental sustainability and responsible
community development. Of particular interest here is the
second pillar, environmental sustainability; the PGI is
currently involved in four main activities surrounding this
theme: 1) assessing environmental governance and management

How Tourism Can (and Does) Benefit the Poor and the Environment - A Case Study from Panama

August, 2012

Tourism is one of Latin America's
fastest growing industries, outranking remittances and even
drugs in many countries as a source of foreign exchange. But
the impact of tourism on the poor and on the environment
remains under debate. Certainly many suspect that tourism
does more harm than good, damaging the environment and
leaving the poor worse off while shipping profits overseas.
But few have actually analyzed the impact of tourism on the

Country Social Analysis : Ethnicity and Development in Vietnam - Main Report

March, 2012

This report " Country Social
Analysis (CSA) " focused on ethnicity and development
in Vietnam is a provocative analysis of marginality in
contemporary Southeast Asia. It seeks to understand the
macro social and political processes, and provides an
analysis of how social, political, and cultural factors
influence the opportunities and constraints to more
equitable, inclusive development. This study provides

Latin America - Determinants of Regional Welfare Disparities within Latin American Countries : Country Case Studies

March, 2012

This study analyzes the complicated and
dynamic nature of welfare differences across space. The
objectives are two-fold. First, the study seeks to provide a
methodological framework useful for investigating the
determinants of the observed differences in the standards of
living between two regions at a given point in time. Second,
it aims to provide empirical evidence on regional welfare
differences to inform the policy debate surrounding regional

Institutional Pathways to Equity : Addressing Inequality Traps

May, 2012

Inequalities and development:
dysfunctions, traps, and transitions by Anthony J.
Bebbington, Anis A. Dani, Arjan de Haan, and Michael Walton.
Asset inequality and agricultural growth: how are patterns
of asset inequality established and reproduced? By Rachel
Sabates. Beneath the categories: power relations and
inequalities in Uganda by Joy M. Moncrieffe. Inequalities
within India's poorest regions: why do the same