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Agricultural Systems

Agricultural Systems is an international journal that deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems, among hierarchical levels of agricultural systems, between agricultural and other land use systems, and between agricultural systems and their natural, social and economic environments. Manuscripts submitted to Agricultural Systems generally should include both of the following:



O periódico aceita originais em português, espanhol e inglês.


  • Difundir o conhecimento disciplinar e interdisciplinar sobre cidades, campo, meio ambiente e os distintos processos de intervençao territorial na América Latina e Caribe.
  • Ampliar o espaço para publicação de artigos originais, com abordagens teóricas e metodológicas à interdisciplinares focados em questoes territoriais, paisagísticas e regionais no continente. A dimensao da América Latina deve ser valorada nos trabalhos submetidos à  PatryTer.

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


O CNPq foi criado pela Lei nº 1.310, de 15 de janeiro de 1951, com a denominação de Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas. Na ocasião, o art. 1º, §1º dessa lei atribuiu ao conselho personalidade jurídica própria e o subordinou diretamente à Presidência da República. Posteriormente, a Lei nº 6.129, de 6 de novembro de 1974 transformou o Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas no atual Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico e reformulou sua configuração jurídica, atribuindo-o personalidade jurídica de direito privado, sob a forma de fundação.

Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas


A Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas foi fundada em 25 de janeiro de 1934 com o nome de Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras (FFCL). Idealizada como o polo central da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), destinava-se à formação de pesquisadores em diversas áreas do conhecimento, abrangendo as áreas de ciências exatas, humanas e biológicas. 

Agri Malawi

The Agri-Malawi Magazine is an agricultural focused publication with dynamic online platform with its editorial office based in Blantyre, Malawi with a great network of representative writers and journalist across major cities in the country.


NIRMAN is a premier civil society organization in Odisha whose major focus is on enhancing the food, nutrition and livelihood security of poor farmers, tribal, forest dwelling and small fisher communities. Its primary interventions are focused on land and forest governance, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation, management of natural resources, small fishery, women empowerment and skill building. Empowerment of rural, tribal and fisher communities and marginalized groups through collective action and nurturing local self-governing institutions are at the core of ethics.

Swiss Church Aid


HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. 

Grain de sel

Grain de sel est la revue semestrielle d’Inter-réseaux Développement rural. Chaque numéro est consacré à une thématique précise et vise à faire participer aux débats et réflexions autour de ce thème une diversité d’acteurs et de points de vue. Elle est diffusée à plus de 5000 exemplaires en version papier et envoyée par mail à plus de 10 000 abonnés.

Centre européen de gestion des politiques de développement


ECDPM is a leading independent think tank that wants to make policies in Europe and Africa work for inclusive and sustainable development.

We believe good policies are extremely powerful. They can tackle society’s biggest problems at the root, lay a foundation for change, and play a crucial part in making the global development agenda a reality for all. That is why we want to help institutions and governments across Europe and Africa create policies that work. 

Natures Sciences Sociétés


Natures Sciences Sociétés est une revue de l'association NSS-Dialogues publiée avec le soutien de AgroParisTech, du Cirad, du CNRS (INEE et INSHS), de l'IRD et de l'INRAE.

La revue Natures Sciences Sociétés entend s’adresser à tous ceux qui s’interrogent sur les constructions des problèmes d’environnement et les politiques de recherche autour des changements globaux, de la biodiversité, de la sécurité alimentaire, des dynamiques territoriales et urbaines, des relations santé-environnement.


Frontiers is a leading Open Access Publisher and Open Science Platform

Our journals are led and peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 100,000 top researchers. Covering more than 900 academic disciplines, we are one of the largest and highest-cited publishers in the world. To date, our freely accessible research articles have received over 1 billion views and downloads and 1.6 million citations.


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