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Displaying 481 - 492 of 3172

Tanzania Public Expenditure Review : National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme

May, 2014

Tanzania is largely an agriculture-based
economy. This sector accounts for over three-quarters of
national employment, and approximately 25 percent of gross
domestic product (GDP). The national agricultural input
voucher scheme (NAIVS) is a market smart input subsidy
program designed in response to the sharp rise in global
grain and fertilizer prices in 2007 and 2008. The main aim
of the program is to raise maize and rice production, and

Opening Up the Markets for Seed Trade in Africa

January, 2014

Despite its vast agriculture potential,
Africa is increasingly dependent on food imports from the
rest of the world to satisfy its consumption needs. Food
output has not kept pace with population growth, and more
than 80 percent of production gains since 1980 have come
from the expansion of cropped areas rather than from greater
productivity of areas already cultivated. This paper looks
at the current requirements for seed trade in Africa, the

Rapid Damage and Loss Assessment : December 24-25, 2013 Floods

April, 2014

On 24th and 25th December, 2013 a
tropical trough system produced heavy rains in Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines (SVG). The ensuing rapid and intense
flash flooding resulted in severe damage and 9 confirmed
deaths with 3 persons still missing. Additionally, there was
widespread damage to road infrastructure, electricity and
water infrastructure, housing as well as public and private
buildings. This report serves as a reminder and proof of the

Republic of South Sudan : The Rapid Water Sector Needs Assessment and a Way Forward

October, 2013

The aim of the rapid assessment is to
support the transition from emergency post conflict recovery
to a development approach. The completion of the water,
sanitation, and hygiene, or WASH strategic framework in 2011
was intended to mark the beginning of this transition in the
water resources sector. Among other things, the transition
involved the adjustment of policy and strategy and possibly
a rethinking of approaches as the government shifts from

Enforcing Environmental Laws for Strong Economies and Safe Communities

April, 2014

This roadmap for environmental and
natural resources law enforcement (ENRLE) sets forth a
course of action for the World Bank's ENRLE community
of practice for FY2013-15. It outlines for senior management
a strategy to mobilize and strengthen the Bank's
engagement in the fight against environmental and natural
resource crime. The roadmap also serves as a mobilizing tool
for staff and management in regional departments to

Reducing the Vulnerability of Albania's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change : Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options

October, 2013

Changes in climate and their impact on agricultural systems and rural economies are already evident throughout Europe and Central Asia (ECA). Adaptation measures now in use in Albania, largely piecemeal efforts, will be insufficient to prevent impacts on agricultural production over the coming decades. There is growing interest at the country and development partner levels to have a better understanding of the exposure, sensitivities, and impacts of climate change at farm level, and to develop and prioritize adaptation measures to mitigate the adverse consequences.

Investing in People to Fight Poverty in Haiti : Reflections for Evidence-based Policy Making

February, 2015

Despite a decline in both monetary and
multidimensional poverty rates since 2000, Haiti remains
among the poorest and most unequal countries in Latin
America. Two years after the 2010 earthquake, poverty was
still high, particularly in rural areas. This report
establishes that in 2012 more than one in two Haitians was
poor, living on less than $ 2.41 a day, and one person in
four was living below the national extreme poverty line of

Natural Disasters in the Middle East and North Africa : A Regional Overview

April, 2014

Disasters are increasing worldwide, with
more devastating effects than ever before. While the
absolute number of disasters around the world has almost
doubled since the 1980s, the average number of natural
disasters in Middle East and North Africa (MNA) has almost
tripled over the same period of time. In the MNA, the
interplay of natural disasters, rapid urbanization, water
scarcity, and climate change has emerged as a serious

Reducing the Vulnerability of Uzbekistan's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change : Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options

October, 2013

Agricultural production is inextricably tied to climate, making agriculture one of the most climate-sensitive of all economic sectors. In countries such as Uzbekistan, the risks of climate change for the agricultural sector are a particularly immediate and important problem because the majority of the rural population depends either directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Agribusiness Indicators

April, 2015

The purpose of this Agriculture Business Indicators Study was to isolate the success factors and construct
indicators that reflect the performance of the agriculture sector in Nigeria and that benchmark it in terms
directly comparable to agriculture sectors in other developing countries. Providing policy makers and public
officials with access to this type of empirical information is seen as way to stimulate and inform policy
dialogue about what reforms are needed and about how scarce public resources can be most effectively

Hidden Harvest : The Global Contribution of Capture Fisheries

December, 2012

This report provides a disaggregated
profile of the world's small and large-scale fisheries
and an estimate of its direct and indirect contributions to
gross domestic product, food security, and rural livelihoods
to uncover the hidden importance of the fisheries sector
with a view to increasing its economic and environmental
contributions in a sustainable manner. The study reveals
serious information deficiencies that undermine decision