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Displaying 445 - 456 of 3172

Gone with the Storm : Rainfall Shocks and Household Well-Being in Guatemala

February, 2015

This paper investigates the causal
consequences of Tropical Storm Agatha (2010) -- the
strongest tropical storm ever to strike Guatemala since
rainfall records have been kept -- on household welfare. The
analysis reveals substantial negative effects, particularly
among urban households. Per capita consumption fell by 12.6
percent, raising poverty by 5.5 percentage points (an
increase of 18 percent). The negative effects of the shock

Tajikistan - Autonomous Adaptation to Climate Change : Economic Opportunities and Institutional Constraints for Farming Households

September, 2014

Climate change presents significant
threats to sustainable poverty reduction in Tajikistan. The
primary impacts on rural livelihoods are expected to stem
from reduced water quantity and quality (affecting
agriculture), and increased frequency and severity of
disasters. Options for farming households to autonomously
adapt (and thereby move from climate vulnerability to
resilience) include adoption of on-farm and off-farm

Climate and Disaster Resilience : The Role for Community-Driven Development

April, 2014

This paper is part of a larger effort to
document, assess, and promote scalable models and approaches
to empower poor communities to manage a climate and disaster
risk agenda in support of their development goals and to
identify practical ways of getting climate and disaster risk
financing directly to the ground level where impacts are
felt. Social funds, social protection systems and safety
nets, community-driven development (CDD) projects,

Regional Initiative in Support of the Horn of Africa

December, 2014

The Horn of Africa (HoA) region has many
security and development challenges whose origins and
consequences go well beyond the borders of individual
countries. It is also a region with many human assets and
resource endowments, and some of the most dynamic economies
in the world. Despite its numerous challenges, the Horn of
Africa offers significant potential to address cross-border
issues that can help transform its countries and the region.

Promoting Agricultural Growth in Rwanda : Recent Performance, Challenges and Opportunities

September, 2014

Rwanda is experiencing its best
growth performance since independence. With average annual
GDP growth rate of 8 percent and 5.2 percent for
agricultural GDP from 1999-2012, Rwanda s recent growth is a
historical record. The poverty headcount fell from 59
percent in 2001 to 45 percent in 2011, and agriculture
continues to be one of the main drivers of growth and
poverty reduction in Rwanda, significantly lifting rural

Developing a Program for Contaminated Site Management in Low and Middle Income Countries

June, 2014

Contaminated sites associated with
economic growth and development and increased urbanization
pose a growing public health and environmental problem.
Emissions and discharges, particularly uncontrolled ones,
onto land can pollute the soil and the groundwater beneath,
and can also affect surface water quality and sediments in
nearby rivers and streams. This document is intended to
summarize the rationale and the major policy, regulatory,

Rural Development in Haiti

April, 2015

The objective of this report is to
examine the linkages between rural economic activity, food
insecurity and poverty in Haiti as a means of determining
the barriers to rural development. The analysis draws on a
newly available set of house-hold level living standards
measurement data collected in 2012 (ECVMAS). About 70.7
percent of all rural households are poor, and education
levels are low with an average of 2.8 years of education for

The Impact of Exogenous Shocks on Households in the Pacific : A Micro-Simulation Analysis

October, 2014

This paper seeks to provide evidence on
the extent of household vulnerability to exogenous economic
shocks in the Pacific region and consider policy options
that help to manage this risk. Characteristics of the region
such as remoteness, small size, dispersion, and urbanizing
populations lead to pronounced vulnerabilities. The paper
presents macroeconomic and distributional analysis and
complements it with results of a micro-simulation model

Building Sustainability in an Urbanizing World : A Partnership Report

June, 2014

Cities are hubs of global change, and
their global influence continues to grow. Cities contribute
significantly to global challenges like climate change and
biodiversity loss. At the same time, cities experience
impacts like climate change first and with greatest
intensity. Further, cities are becoming leaders worldwide in
efforts to address global environmental and social problems.
Some of the most important smaller-scale agreements and

Indispensable Ocean : Aligning Ocean Health and Human Well-Being

January, 2014

A healthy ocean is fundamental to human
wellbeing and an indispensable part of the Earth's
life-support system, which sustains the species and the
ecosystems upon which we depend. The ocean regulates our
climate and, as part of the hydrological cycle, drives
weather patterns that determine rainfall, droughts, and
floods. The ocean has also reduced the impact of
human-induced climate change by absorbing 25 percent of the

Bhutan Poverty Assessment 2014

October, 2014

This report identifies the key drivers
of rapid poverty reduction in Bhutan over the recent years,
explaining why some dzongkhags are stuck in poverty or
reducing poverty is not significant while others prospered,
and whether female headed households have a harder time
reducing poverty. The exercise draws mainly on data from the
two rounds of Bhutan Living Standards Survey (2007 and 2012)
supplemented with focus group discussions carried out for

Growth Poles Program : Political Economy of Social Capital

June, 2014

The Government of Sierra Leone (GosL)
and the World Bank (WB) have agreed upon the design and
implementation of a growth poles program (GPP) in support of
the agenda for prosperity (A4P), the GoSL's third
poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSPIII). With support
from the European Union competitive industries and
innovation practice trust fund, the WB has been undertaking
a series of scoping and diagnostic analyses on the GPP since