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Zambia and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
February, 2018

Since Zambia joined FAO in 1965, cooperation has focused on the provision of technical assistance across the country’s

agriculture sector, including rural development. Cooperation has been in line with the country’s successive national

frameworks, including most recently the 7th National Development Plan, aimed at achieving the Vision 2030 objective of

transforming Zambia into a middle-income country by 2030.

Jamaica and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
June, 2018

Jamaica joined FAO in 1963. In 1978, the Organization established a representation in Jamaica which today also covers

the Bahamas and Belize. Over the years, FAO has partnered with Jamaica to achieve sustainable agricultural and rural

development, mainly through the Organization’s Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). Interventions have ranged from

policy formulation to technical agricultural development and emergency assistance projects. Recent cooperation has placed

Global goals, localized action. Celebrating 40 years in Egypt

Institutional & promotional materials
May, 2018

On the occasion of FAO Egypt's 40th Anniversary, this booklet is produced to highlight FAO's achievements and support to the Egyptian Government over the past 40 years. It will give a glimpse on how FAO started its work in Egypt and will also highlight the main projects that made a difference as well as shed light on the future country programming framework.

Poland and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2014
United States of America
Czech Republic

Poland was one of the 44 founding members of FAO, participating in the Hot Spring Conference in 1943 as well as in the FAO founding conference in Quebec City on 16 October 1945. FAO’s shared history of cooperation with the Government of Poland has focused on projects that improve the safety and efficiency of the Polish food system. In recent years, Poland has transitioned from a recipient to a donor country, recently funding an FAO study on best practices for emergency preparedness.

Responsible governance of agricultural investments: a right to food perspective

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2018

In light of the endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), this Information Brief aims to provide concise and practical elements for a responsible governance of agricultural investments. Developed jointly with the FAO study The Right to Food and the Responsible Governance of Tenure: A dialogue towards implementation, this Information Brief offers a right to food perspective on a c rucial governance matter for the implementation of the VGGT.

South Africa and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
July, 2018
South Africa

Cooperation between South Africa and FAO has spanned a large range of areas, from interventions for agricultural development, food security and improved nutrition to support rural economic development and natural resources management. Recent focus areas for cooperation include engagement in SouthSouth Cooperation, with a particular focus on transboundary disease control, and resource mobilization through mechanisms such as the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility and the Adaptation Fund.

Antigua and Barbuda and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2016
Antigua and Barbuda
Saint Lucia

The twin-island state of Antigua and Barbuda has been a member of FAO since 1983. Cooperation over the past 30 years has produced a strong partnership, both at the country and Caribbean level. FAO interventions have ranged from food security and agriculture policy formulation to direct support in a variety of areas, including food production, crop protection and fisheries development as well as natural disaster response and preparedness.

Saudi Arabia and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2014
Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and FAO have a significant history of cooperation. For more than 50 years, FAO assistance has spanned the full spectrum of agricultural and rural development, with interventions carefully selected to meet top priority areas identified by the country and its regional setting. Some notable features of cooperation include the formulation of policy and regulatory frameworks, including national capacity development, and technical assistance to high-value horticulture.

Yemen and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
June, 2018

The FAO Country Representation in Yemen opened in 1990. Since then, FAO has provided support to farmers, herders, and

fishers and supported the improvement of agricultural production and productivity in the country. FAO is also working with

the Yemeni authorities in an effort to reach the goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Bhutan and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2014

Bhutan joined FAO in 1981 and a country office was established in the mid-1980s. Since then, FAO has implemented close to 100 projects. Cooperation began with on-the-ground agricultural development activities based on ad hoc government requests, shifting more recently to policy and legislative support; information exchange and capacity building; partnership building and regional collaboration; and emergency and rehabilitation assistance. Current cooperation with this small, landlocked country al so features natural resource management and rural development.

70 лет FAO (1945-2015)

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

Эта книга – рассказ о 70-летней истории ФАО, об основных действующих лицах и об их работе. Мы разыскали в архивах ФАО неопубликованные черно-белые фотографии и составили из них альбом, иллюстрирующий ранние годы становления Организации. Книга также представляет собой отчет о десяти важнейших достижениях ФАО, в числе которых: искоренение чумы крупного рогатого скота, подписание договора о генетических ресурсах растений, жизненно важное соглашение о сохранении биоразнообразия на планете и кодекс в едения ответственного рыболовства, необходимый для сохранения морской экосистемы.

Integrating Food into Urban Planning

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018
United States of America
Costa Rica

The integration of food into urban planning is a crucial and emerging topic. Urban planners, alongside the local and regional authorities that have traditionally been less engaged in food-related issues, are now asked to take a central and active part in understanding the way food is produced, processed, packaged, transported, marketed, consumed, disposed of and recycled in our cities.