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Decreto por el que se aprueba el Programa Especial Concurrente para el Desarrollo Rural Sustentable 2014-2018.

Central America

Por el presente Decreto queda aprobado el Programa Especial Concurrente para el Desarrollo Rural Sustentable 2014-2018, de observancia obligatoria para la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación y las entidades paraestatales coordinadas por la misma.

Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Forests And Climate Policies In Guyana: A Special Report

Reports & Research
April, 2014
South America

Forest Peoples Programme and the Amerindian Peoples Association are pleased to announce the publication of a new special report:

Edited by Kate Dooley and Tom Griffiths

Authors: Oda Almås (FPP), Lawrence Anselmo (APA), Laura George (APA), Tom Griffiths (FPP), Solveig Firing Lunde (RFN) and Jean La Rose (APA)

May 2014

ISBN 978-0-9544252-8-9

Regional Law No. 456-ZTO “On maximum and minimum areas of land plots authorized for allotment to citizens”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes maximum and minimum areas of land plots authorized for allotment in ownership to citizens out of stock of land pertaining to state or municipal property for farming, gardening, horticulture, stockbreeding and housing construction in rural areas. Maximum areas of land plots shall be authorized for allotment once-only free of charge in ownership to some categories of citizens that have the right to such allotment in accordance with the list of categories of citizens established by federal and regional legislation.

Regional Law No. VH-I “On subsidiary smallholding”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Regional Law shall be to increase the role of private subsidiary smallholding of citizens in raising production of agricultural commodities and it establishes the forms of state support of subsidiary smallholding. Subsidiary smallholding shall be considered a form of non-enterpreneurial activity for production and processing of agricultural commodities that shall be exclusive property of citizens conducting subsidiary smallholding.

Regional Law No. 871-PK “On allotment of plots of land to multiple children family”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that plots of municipal land and plots of land with undelimited ownership shall be allotted to multiple children family in ownership free of charge and without sale for individual housing construction, suburban housing construction, subsidiary smallholding, farming, gardening, horticulture and stockbreeding. The aforesaid plots of land shall be allotted to families or single parents with three or more children of minority age. Minimum land area of plots of land shall be 0, 10 ha and maximum land area shall be 0, 25 ha.

Regional Law No. 965-193 “On maximum and minimum land areas of plots of land allotted to citizens in ownership”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes minimum and maximum land areas of plots of land that can be allotted to citizens in ownership out of stock of public or municipal land for farming, gardening, horticulture, stockbreeding and suburban housing construction, including allotment of the aforesaid plots of land free of charge in cases envisaged by Land Code. Maximum land area that can be allotted for farming shall not exceed 10 percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a municipal unit at the moment of allotment.

Conflicts Over Land - A Role for Responsible and Inclusive Business

Reports & Research
December, 2013

This briefing paper makes the case for proactive business engagement in respecting land rights and ensuring legal, fair and inclusive practices on land use, access to natural resources and equitable development opportunities. It outlines key challenges, provides an overview of existing instruments that can help companies address issues related to land, and points to practical entry points for improved business practices.

Ley Nº 4.952 - Régimen de Protección y Fomento de los Sistemas Socioproductivos de la Agricultura Familiar.

South America

La presente Ley provincial establece un Régimen de Protección y Fomento de los Sistemas Socioproductivos de la Agricultura Familiar, mediante políticas públicas de acceso a la tierra, al agua y demás bienes esenciales para la producción, el trabajo y la comercialización. La Ley reconoce en la agricultura familiar un factor imprescindible para el logro de la soberanía alimentaría en la Provincia de Río Negro.

Regional Law No. 59-RZ “On regulation of some issues in the sphere of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates some issues in the sphere of land relations except for those related to agricultural land. It establishes minimum and maximum land areas for land plots pertaining to public and municipal land in ownership to citizens in accordance with the following criteria: (a) gardening – from 0, 05 ha to 0, 15 ha; (b) horticulture – from 0, 02 ha to 0, 10 ha; (c) for stockbreeding – from 0, 02 ha to 0, 10 ha; (d) suburban housing construction – from 0, 06 ha to 0, 25 ha; and (e) peasant farming – up to 75 ha, including agricultural land – up to 50 ha.

Regional Law No. 1775-OZ amending Regional Law No. 1005-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge to citizens”.

Eastern Europe

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “allotment of plots of land for individual housing construction, subsidiary smallholding, gardening and horticulture to families with disabled children”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 1005-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge to citizens”. (2008-06-06)