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IssuesdesertificationLandLibrary Resource
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Estudio de las Prácticas Culturales, Porosidad del Suelo y Gestión Hídrica en el Combate contra la Desertificación

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2008

Se realizó un estudio comparativo entre un sistema de producción de cereales de secano de conservación y otro tradicional, con el fin de evaluar los efectos a largo plazo de diferentes prácticas culturales en el combate a la desertificación. El sistema de conservación ha recurrido a siembras directas a lo largo de 10 años consecutivos, mientras que el tradicional al laboreo del suelo. En un suelo tipo Chromic Vertisol en Portugal se evaluó a partir de imágenes en 2D, la continuidad del espacio poroso y, por tanto, la dinámica del agua del suelo.

Producción y ambiente en la Meseta Central de Santa Cruz, Patagonia austral en Argentina: desencadenantes e impacto de la desertificación*

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2012

El artículo tiene el objetivo de exponer la situación socioambiental actual y su vínculo con las prácticas sociales de producción propias del sistema productivo ovino extensivo en Santa Cruz, Patagonia austral, Argentina. El emergente más significativo que se puede apreciar actualmente es la desertificación y su impacto en los diferentes niveles del sistema socioproductivo.

Awareness promotion and experience sharing on the implementation of the UNCCD-NAP to enhance pastoralist areas development in Ethiopia

December, 2004
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper reports on a workshop held in Ethiopia in 2004, targeting stakeholders involved in implementing Ethiopia’s National Action Plan (NAP) for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The workshop was based on international, national and regional experiences, principles and practices related to dryland management and combating desertification to the development of community driven processes.

Global deserts outlook

December, 2005

This report presents a panorama of the environmental status of the world’s deserts: their location and extent, uniqueness and vulnerability, biodiversity and natural resources. The report provides a balanced picture of deserts as ecosystems which form a special part of the world’s natural and cultural heritage, and not simply as land that is the end result of the process of desertification.The Global Deserts Outlook is the first thematic assessment report in the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) series of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

A solution to desertification: holistic resource management

December, 1988
United States of America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Northern America
Latin America and the Caribbean

It is clear from the failure of our efforts in many countries to halt the desertification process - deserts are now advancing at a rate of nearly 15,000,000 acres a year worldwide (Worrall 1984) (that something was missing in our knowledge of the problem). Four discoveries have been made that enabled us to design a simple holistic model to manage resources successfully in a sustained and economic manner.

Poverty and environmental degradation in the drylands: an overview of problems

December, 2002
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper seeks to analyse some of the problems of degradation persisting in the dryland regions with particular reference to Sub-Saharan Africa, and describe the processes that aim to tackle them.It identifies the threat to dryland regions as a complex mixture of degrading soils, continuous exposures to frequent droughts and political and economic marginalisation which is putting poor people living in the drylands at risk.

Good practices in drylands management

December, 1998

The objectives of this study are to analyze and synthesize the experience of the World Bank and other agencies in dryland management, with special emphasis on Africa.Recommendations are provided on "good policies and practices" in drylands management, which can support actions to fulfil obligations arising from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) for member countries and for international organizations, such as the World Bank.