Topics and Regions
My name is Micah Kamau Ng’ang’a. I am descendant of Daudi Karanja Migwi. My father is Mr. Ng’ang’a now deceased. I personally have registered a research permit dated 2014 and I have conducted the research for Daudi Karanja land of which I have interest for having suffered for many years without land to build a house or even practice farming of which I am interested.
My research led me to Mairi village in Kigumo Sub-County, Murang’a County Kenya where I found the land I was looking for was occupied by the following list of illegal occupants.
1. Jackson Karuri Family from Kangema Karuri Gakure village No: 592,72,155,J159,590,591
2. Christian Churches from NCCK No: 196
3. County Council Murang’a Kenya No 196
4. Muhoi Family from Kangema Karuri Gakure village 477,474,475,476
5. Individuals from Kandara Kirika Village No 152, 151
6. Kung’u Kahacho Family From Kamukabi- Kigumo Division no 151
7. Business and Commercial Shops No: 197
8. KTDA Tea Buying Centre No:197
9. Sawmill No: 196
10. Playground No: 196
11. Dispensary from Fair Trade Organization No: 196
12. Cemetery No: 196
The effects of illegal occupation of Daudi Karanja land is as follow:-
1. Wrongful or illegal encroachment
2. Seizure of royal sovereignty
3. Unlawful taking of Daudi Karanja Land under guise authority of local government and colonial chief act (Senior Chief Njiri Karanja) using force, illegal participation to make legal owners useless to deny them right to use their land.
4. Making legal land owners exposed to danger or attacks and become unprotected and abused making them like being pointed by NATO defense
5. Have participated in the eviction to remove local land owners where they have the right to live.
6. This eviction was not ordered by a court of law.
a) We need to be empowered to use the Daudi Karanja land and have rights to contribute to decision making process at local national region and national level, have access to international funds for agricultural development.
b) We need help to remove or expel Illegal land occupation of Daudi Karanja’s land.
c) We seek effective measures to be taken to cancel illegal title deeds and to cancel all illegal business licenses done in the land which are given by Murang’a County County and all permits for tea sellers in the land of Daudi Karanja and given by Makomboki Tea Factory.
d) We need forced eviction to remove illegal and occupants from Daudi Karanja land.
1. Daudi Karanja family has a copy of Court judgment stating that the land belongs to Daudi Karanja up-to-date.
2. Daudi Karanja family has court orders expressing the ownership of the land to Daudi Karanja.
3. Daudi Karanja family has a map showing numbers of portions belonging to illegal land holders and not supported by law.
in respect of the statistical data, given the family requests help to forcefully evict and provision of land tenure security to avoid vulnerability of attacks by the invaders and local administration agents who are against the recovery of the land leader namely Micah Kamau Ng’ang’a.