Le Land Portal rassemble une communauté unique d'activistes, d'universitaires, de travailleurs communautaires, de chercheurs, de fonctionnaires et d'acteurs de la société civile travaillant sur la gouvernance foncière et les droits fonciers dans le monde entier.
Programa EUROsociAL
Es un programa de cooperación entre la Unión Europea y América Latina que contribuye a la reducción de las desigualdades, la mejora de los niveles de cohesión social y el fortalecimiento institucional en 19 países latinoamericanos, mediante el apoyo a sus procesos de diseño, reforma e implementación de políticas públicas, focalizando su acción en las áreas de igualdad de género, gobernanza demo
Programa Feminista La Corriente
El Programa Feminista La Corriente es una organización feminista que promueve activamente la acción colectiva en el espacio público para defender todos los derechos de las mujeres.
Programa Interreg Sudoe
El Programa Interreg Sudoe apoya el desarrollo regional en el sudoeste de Europa financiando proyectos transnacionales a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).
Projecto de Gestão de Terras no Planalto Central de Angola
The project “Strengthened capacity for improved governance of land tenure and natural resources by local government in partnership with Non State Actors in the Central Highlands of Angola” is an initiative funded by the European Union, and implemented by the NGOs World Vision Angola, and Development Workshop, under the leadership of the Ministério da Administração do Território (MAT),
Projet Régional d'Appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel
Objectif du projet : L’objectif de développement (ODP) est «d'améliorer l’accès à des moyens et services de production essentiels et aux marchés pour les pasteurs et agropasteurs dans des zones transfrontalières sélectionnées et le long des axes de transhumance dans les six pays du Sahel, et d’améliorer la capacité de ces pays à répondre à temps et de façon efficace en cas de
Protected Planet
Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of information on protected areas, updated monthly with submissions from governments, non-governmental organizations, landowners and communities.
Protection International
We aspire to a world in which fundamental human rights and fundamental freedoms are universally recognized and respected by all, and where everyone has the right to defend these rights and freedoms without fear of threats or attack.
PRS Legislative Research
PRS Legislative Research (PRS) seeks to strengthen the legislative process by making it better informed, more transparent and participatory. Through its work, PRS seeks:
Based in the Netherlands but with a global reach and a world-class reputation, PTC+ is a practical training centre for agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry. Each year, we train thousands of students and mid-career professionals from all over the world. We help them acquire the knowledge and skills to tackle the challenges they face.
Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility
The Public – Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a multi-donor technical assistance facility that is financed by 11 multilateral and bilateral donors.