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Showing items 73477 through 73485 of 73616.This is the report of a webinar held by Land Portal on 24th March 2021.
Report from the online discussion held on the Land Portal between 28 June and 9 July 2021.
Cet article s'attachera à analyser la situation du conflit entre les djihadistes de Katiba Macina et les donsos dans la zone de Niono (région de Ségou, centre du Mali), ainsi que le processus qui a conduit à l'accord de paix entre les belligérants.
This document has been initially released online as a Land Portal data story. You can find it online here.
Achieving tenure security, land and property rights in informal urban settlements remains one of the most persistent, intractable development challenges today.
This powerpoint presentation explains how the Solutions Journalism approach is applied on the reporting of agroecological initiatives in the Philippines and their relation with land rights issues.
This powerpoint presentation explains why and how to use the Solutions Journalism approach for reporting on key land-related challenges and solutions, including pollution, climate change, deforestation, water scarcity, waste disposal etc.
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