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Showing items 69436 through 69444 of 73534.The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Nizhni Novgorod Region have agreed as follows: 1) The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Nizhni Novgorod Region shall have joint authority as regards the following issues: co-ordination of exter
The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania have agreed as follows: 1) Land, subsoil, water and other natural resources within the boundaries of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania being public property is managed and protected as the basis
By adopting this Resolution, the Interministerial Committee for Economic Programming has approved the document containing the “Environmental Action Strategy for Sustainable Development in Italy 2002-2010”.
Le présent arrêté fixe la procédure d'élaboration et d'approbation des schémas directeurs d'aménagement et d'urbanisme (SDAU) au Burkina Faso.
Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans la province du Bazèga de la zone à vocation pastorale de Gaongho-Sud, d'une superficie de 6.762 ha, est située entre les parallèles 1l°56' et 12°04' de latitude Nord et les méridiens 01°03' et 0l°09' de longitude Ouest.
In implementation of the Alpine Convention of 1991, the Signatory Parties have concluded this Protocol to promote their cooperation in matter of territorial planning and sustainable development.
This Protocol has been adopted in implementation of the Alpine Convention as regards soil protection.
By virtue of this Agreement the Parties aim at the protection of the ecosystem and sustainable development of the Prespa Park Area.
Tout lotissement des terres issues des droits fonciers coutumiers, n’ayant fait l’objet de constatation et de reconnaissance par l’Etat, est formellement interdit sur toute l’étendue du territoire national.
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