Scientific publications, legislation on spatial planning in Ukraine and spatial planning in Austria are analysed.
Scientific publications, legislation on spatial planning in Ukraine and spatial planning in Austria are analysed.
The evolution of urban planning has seen gradually emerging models based on a clear separation between the phase of knowledge and that of choices, with an increasing role for a third step, evaluation, as a link between the two. Recently, the increased focus on the issue of land use has transformed the monitoring tools in the objectives of government land policies. This would have required a radical rethinking of the approach, as also is confirmed by the very disappointing results of the policies.
L’articolo intende verificare la tenuta logico-metodologica della costituzione di un catasto dei valori basato sui valori di mercato, oltreché dei redditi, come prevedono le linee di riforma in discussione
da tempo nel Parlamento italiano, anche alla luce delle critiche avanzate e delle criticità insite nella determinazione teorica ed empirica dei valori patrimoniali per finalità impositive.
The influence of atmospheric air pollution on the health status of the city of Kiev has been monitored. A direct relationship between the increase in the concentration of harmful substances in the atmospheric air of the contaminated area and the increase in the incidence of the population, including diseases of the respiratory system, circulatory systems, blood and blood-forming organs, endocrine, nervous systems is established.
L’intento dell’articolo è quello di osservare la complessità dei rapporti che legano il Campus universitario di Roma “Tor Vergata” all’universo discorsivo che lo riguarda, dalle ex borgate abusive alle immagini di periferie riqualificate del Municipio VIII, elevate nel Nuovo Piano Regolatore di Roma al rango di Centralità. Per comprendere la dimensione di relazione del sistema Tor Vergata è fondamentale ricorrere all’applicazione del metodo rizomatico e virtuale della performative mapping.
The article highlights the research results of the Polish experience of forming economic and legal mechanism for protection and sustainable use of soil. The features of legislative regulation of economic incentives mechanism for soil fertility reproduction in Poland through compliance with the relevant requirements of rational farming under appropriate actions are defined. The possibility and feasibility of using project‐package approach during the formation of organizational and economic mechanism of soil fertility reproduction in Ukraine.
In the practice of regulation of land relations certain requirements to formation of land use restrictions and encumbrances of land rights are formed. Their systematization process will improve the regulation of the legal regime of land use as legal provisions form the essence of the land use restrictions and encumbrances of land rights and should be considered in their formation.
The article discusses contemporary issues of digital atlas thematic mapping, which has been gaining momentum in recent decades. It shows that the atlas geoenvironmental mapping allows to perform high quality visualization of various spatial and temporal information in dynamic and static states, reflects the geoenvironmental state of objects that vary by rank, trends in its changes, and evaluates the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on it.
L’articolo propone una metodologia di valutazione della camminabilità (walkability) urbana ed il rispettivo strumento software di supporto alla decisione ed alla pianificazione urbanistica. Nella parte introduttiva discutiamo la rilevanza del concetto di camminabilità per la qualità urbana ed offriamo un suo inquadramento teorico all’interno dell’approccio alle capacità (capability approach). La parte centrale è dedicata alla presentazione del modello spaziale e multicriteriale di valutazione della camminabilità.
Analyzed еuropean experience on man‐
agement of state‐owned agricultural land.
Proposed author's conception of the special‐
ized agency for management of state‐owned
agricultural land
Design, implementation and management constitute the cornerstones of the building process and the current trend, albeit still at an embryonic state in Italy, is represented by the application of a problem-solving approach combining integrated analysis and research between interdisciplinary professionals able to integrate their know-how and experience.