Kemiskinan dan desentralisasi di Kutai Barat: dampak otonomi daerah terhadap kesejahteraan Dayak Benuaq
Laporan penelitian ini menyajikan hasil penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan di Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur sebagai bagian dari proyek Menjadikan Pemerintah Daerah Lebih Tanggap Terhadap Kemiskinan: Pengembangan Indikator dan Alat untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Penghidupan yang Berkelanjutan dalam Desentralisasi yang didanai CIFORBMZ. Laporan menunjukkan bahwa dampak otonomi daerah terhadap kesejahteraan Dayak Benuaq, masyarakat yang bergantung pada hutan, kelompok mayoritas masyarakat di Kutai Barat.
Kebijakan dan program menuju desentralisasi yang efektif: studi kasus dari Cina
Kriteria dan indikator kelestarian hutan yang dikelola oleh masyarakat (community managed forest)
Community managed forest systems embody a considerable portion of the wisdom, knowledge, and practical skills and management necessary for the sustainability of forest resources globally. These systems, however, are under threat in many ways, including from the rapid rate of change of their political, socio-economic, and biophysical contexts. Adapting forest management sufficiently quickly and effectively to meet these changes is both urgent and very challenging.
La reforma en la tenencia de los bosques: un huérfano que solo tiene tíos
La cogestión adaptativa nos puede ayudar a enfrentar el cambio climático
La situation des négociations relatives au mécanisme REDD: Points de consensus, options pour aller de l’avant et besoins en matière de recherche afin de soutenir le processus
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) commissioned this report from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) to summarize the current state of negotiations towards a decision in Copenhagen, specifically outlining areas of consensus, options for resolving areas where consensus has not yet been reached, and priorities for research to support successful implementation of an international REDD Programme following a decision at the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP) in Copenhage
La devolución de los derechos de manejo y la cogestión en bosques comunitarios
Laju dan penyebab deforestasi di Indonesia: penelaahan kerancuan dan penyelesaiannya
There have been several major research efforts on the rate and causes of Indonesia's deforestation in recent years and much associated literature, but there is still no consensus in the research community on these issues. This paper reviews the areas of uncertainty and confusion, and proposes questions that must be answered to get a better grasp of the subject.