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Issuesdéveloppement ruralLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 853 - 864 of 971

Gender profile: Peru

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2001
Amérique centrale
Amérique du Sud

What is the condition of women in Peru? This gender profile by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) offers a statistical overview of the condition of urban and rural women with respect to unemployment, status in the workplace, life expectancy and working and living conditions. Poverty is an ongoing concern and half the population continues to subsist below the poverty line. Rural women suffer the most with lower rates of literacy and fewer employment opportunities than urban women and men in general.

Africa: Land for the Women who Farm it

Reports & Research
Mars, 2003
Burkina Faso
Afrique occidentale
Asie occidentale
Afrique septentrionale

Women do 70 per cent of the agricultural work in Senegal, but according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), own only two percent of the land that may be cultivated. Although property laws in countries such as Senegal, Tunisia and Burkina Faso recognise women' s and men's equal rights, and Islam gives women the right to inherit half what men inherit, in practice men retain land ownership. Women are dependent on fathers or husbands for land.

Shadow Report, Ethiopia 2003 (Executive Summary)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2002
Afrique australe
Afrique orientale

This shadow report, produced by NEWA and EWLA, offers a critique of the Ethiopian government's CEDAW report by looking at three broad areas: economic and socio-cultural status of women, equality in marriage and family relations and violence against women. The report acknowledges the considerable efforts made by the Ethiopian government to address its CEDAW obligations, but cites weak enforcement, poor policy guidelines and a lack of institutional commitment as ongoing problems.

Rulemaking and Governance for Trade Intensification Asian Women's Views

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2002
Asie orientale

This economic literacy pack, the third in this series, is a tool for educating local women's constituencies on trade rules and negotiations. It explores four main themes, firstly 'How the WTO Treats National Health Emergencies in the Rubric of Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)'. This section demonstrates how the agreement protects the patent interests of private pharmaceutical firms based in developed countries, while jeopardizing the public health of the poor in developing countries.

Guidelines for Integrating Gender Analysis into Biodiversity Research

Training Resources & Tools
Août, 1998

How can gender be mainstreamed into programmes concerned with the sustainable use and management of biodiversity? The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has produced guidelines on how to integrate gender analysis into biodiversity research. The central role played by women in the maintenance of rural lands, and changing gender roles and relations resulting from cost of living rises and increased migration, are highlighted.

What Awaits Myanmar’s Uplands Farmers? Lessons Learned from Mainland Southeast Asia

Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2019

Mainland Southeast Asia (MSA) has seen sweeping upland land use changes in the past decades, with transition from primarily subsistence shifting cultivation to annual commodity cropping. This transition holds implications for local upland communities and ecosystems. Due to its particular political regime, Myanmar is at the tail of this development.

Journal of Law and Rural Development: Land Governance

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2017

This is the first issue of the Journal of Law and Rural Development, published by IFAD. IFAD’s mandate to address rural poverty and promote rural development is unique among international organizations. For many years IFAD limited its activities to financing projects and programmes implemented by its Member States, but over the last decade it has begun to transform itself into a knowledge centre and a key participant in the international policy dialogue around rural development issues. The launch of this journal is another step forward in this transformation.

A good practice on the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure: A multi-actor and multi-sector approach in Sierra Leone

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2016
Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, the well-being and livelihoods of many people, particularly the rural poor, are based on secure and equitable access to land, fisheries and forests. Increasing pressure on these resources in recent years has led to an escalation of conflict over access to natural resources.

Rural producer agency and agricultural value chains: What role for socio-legal empowerment?

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2019

Growing numbers of policies and programmes aim to integrate small-scale rural producers into agricultural value chains. But significant questions remain over how best to: recognise the possibly divergent visions, interests and constraints of various actors; address often substantial power imbalances; and ultimately promote agency among rural producers and their communities – that is, their ability to choose, act and influence realities around them.

Toolkit grondinstrument Midden-Delfland : analyse effectiviteit en kosten-baten

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2013

De centrale doelstelling voor Midden-Delfland is het behouden en versterken van het agrarisch cultuurlandschap met behoud van koeien in de weide. De grondgebonden melkveehouderij is de drager van het kwalitatief hoogwaardige landschap in de regio. Om de rol van drager van het gebied goed te kunnen blijven vervullen, is het van belang dat deze sector economisch vitaal blijft. Een aandachtspunt daarbij is verbreding van de landbouw.

Landscapes of deracialization : power, brokerage and place-making on a South African frontier

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2013
Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

This thesis deals with the politicized struggles for land in South Africa’s Limpopo Province. With land having been an essential part of colonial and apartheid segregation policies and practice – with 87% of land appropriated by whites –, a land reform programme was imperative after the African National Congress came to power in 1994. One of the three branches of the land reform programme, land restitution, is a key focus of this thesis.

Haalbaarheid van agroparken in Drenthe

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2010

Bieden agroparken in Drenthe een haalbaar perspectief dat nadere uitwerking verdient? Conclusie is dat de perspectieven voor de ontwikkeling van agroparken in Drenthe zeer goed zijn. De ontwikkeling van agroparken past in de doelstellingen van de provincie (ontwikkeling van natuur, landschap en recreatie enerzijds, innovatie van de landbouw anderzijds). Cruciaal is het organiseren van een open innovatieproces met aandacht voor communicatie en betrokkenheid van verschillende belanghebbende partijen. De provincie is de aangewezen partij om het initiatief te nemen in dezen.