Mitigating drought in drylands: Quantifying the potential for strengthening crop- and livestock-based livelihoods
Agricultural public spending in Africa is low and inefficient
Impact of contract farming on yield, costs and profitability in low‐value crop: Evidence from a low‐income country
Revitalized agriculture for balanced growth and resilient livelihoods: Toward a rural development strategy for Mon State, Myanmar
Production risks, risk preference and contract farming: Impact on food security in India
This article reviews the literature on contract farming (CF) in India and assesses the impact of smallholders’ perceived production risks on the adoption of CF; the impact of CF on smallholders’ food security; and its impact on employment generation in their farming enterprises. We also show the impact of the outcome variables by risk preference of smallholders. Using farm-level data and endogenous switching regression methods, this study presents three key findings.
Potential collusion and trust: Evidence from a field experiment in Vietnam
Do development projects crowd-out private sector activities? Evidence from contract farming participation in Northern Ghana
How can organic rice be a boon to smallholders? Evidence from contract farming in India
Las zonas de reservas campesina: ¿Posibilidad real de una política de tierras en Colombia?
El problema de la distribución de la propiedad rural continúa vigente hoy en Colombia.
Discurso y sujeto en los movimientos campesinos en la costa del Ecuador
Las redes organizativas de los campesinos costeños en algunas zonas de Guayas y Los Ríos fueron muy importantes en la década de 1970 cuando la reivindicación principal era la tierra. Esto cambió después de 1980 con la existencia de otras demandas campesinas que no pudieron ser resueltas por las organizaciones. Sin embargo desde 1990 se observa la aparición de organizaciones de segundo grado articuladas por la Iglesia Popular que se sustentan en las comunidades eclesiales de base cuya acción busca la satisfacción de múltiples demandas de los pequeños productores rurales.
Nigeria: The Harvest Of Death - Three Years Of Bloody Clashes Between Farmers and Herders in Nigeria
This report documents the violent clashes between members of farmer communities and members of herder communities in parts of Nigeria, particularly in the northern parts of the country, over access to resources: water, land and pasture. It also documents the failure of the Nigerian government in fulfilling its constitutional responsibility of protection of lives and property by refusing to investigate, arrest and prosecute perpetrators of attacks.