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UN-REDD Programme

Deforestation and forest degradation account for approximately 11 percent of carbon emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector and second only to the energy sector. It is now clear that in order to constrain the impacts of climate change within limits that society will reasonably be able to tolerate, global average temperatures must be stabilized within two degrees Celsius. This will be practically impossible to achieve without reducing emissions from the forest sector, in addition to other mitigation actions.

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences


The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences(JIRCAS) was established in October 1993, through the reorganization of its predecessor, the Tropical Agriculture Research Center (TARC), in order to include overseas forestry and fisheries research in its mandate. It was again restructured in April, 2001 as an Incorporated Administrative Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF).

Forest, Climate, and Livelihood research network


Focali (Forest, Climate, and Livelihood research network) is a Swedish research network focusing on forest / bio-energy, climate change and poverty issues. Several Swedish universities and institutions are represented in the network. The purpose is to contribute to the provision of relevant knowledge to Sida and other Swedish authorities for the effective use of forest operations to achieve climate-poverty targets. Focali also aims to increase the flow of relevant information between scientists, industry, government and civil society.

Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape


By the decision of the authorities of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Agriculture in Krakow of 17 October 2012 a scientific quarterly magazine named Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape (GLL) was created.

The purpose of the quarterly magazine are presentations, discussions and exchange of scientific thoughts in the field of broadly understood planning, shaping and protection of the environment and landscapes; modern geoinformatic techniques, surveying, rural areas development and property management.

Journal of Environmental Protection


The Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) is published monthly and one of most prospective international journals with multiple disciplines. It covers various aspects of environmental issues, such as research, strategies and the state-of-the-art technologies for prediction, prevention and protection addressing up-to-date research in natural and social sciences related to environmental concerns. The journal includes but not limited to research papers, technical reports, subject reviews, short comments and book reviews on relevant aspects of the field.

Environment and History


Environment and History is an interdisciplinary journal which aims to bring scholars in the humanities and biological sciences closer together, with the deliberate intention of constructing long and well-founded perspectives on present day environmental problems.

Environment, Development and Sustainability

Environment, Development and Sustainability is an international, multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the environmental impacts of socio-economic development. Concerned with the complex interactions between development and environment, its purpose is to seek ways and means for achieving sustainability in all human activities aimed at such development.

Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide


The Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) helps communities speak out for clean air, clean water, and a healthy planet. We are a global alliance of attorneys, scientists and other advocates collaborating across borders to promote grassroots efforts to build a sustainable, just future.

Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association


The Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) is a public interest law group which seeks to promote democracy, environmental justice, the sustainable and equitable use of Zimbabwe’s’ natural resources, and good governance in the environmental sector. The group’s mission is to use the law to protect the rights of local communities and conserve the environment and Zimbabwe’s natural resources. ZELA works to accomplish their mission through legal and policy research, advocacy, impact litigation, conflict resolution, and civic education.

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