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IssuesenvironnementLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 397 - 408 of 3179

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (Amendment) Law, 2006 (Law No. 15(Ι)/2006).

Asie occidentale

This Law may be cited as the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (Amendment) Law of 2006 and shall be read as one with the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Law of 2003 (hereinafter referred to as "the principal Law"). The principal Law and the present Law shall be read as one and will be referred to as the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Laws of 2003-2006. The present Law, for a better compliance with E.U. legislation, carries forward amendments to article 9 (issuance of permits) and article 10 (functioning of plants).

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Law, 2003 (Law No. 56(Ι)/2003).

Asie occidentale

The purpose of this Law is the prevention and control of pollution caused by large industrial plants. The Law provides for measures to prevent pollution; when preventing is not possible, the Law aims at reducing emissions to air, water and soil and prescribes waste management measures, as well as the rational use of natural resources and energy to achieve a high level of environmental protection.

Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations (Chapter 208A).

Asie orientale

These Regulations provide for the proper management and control of country parks and special areas.The Regulations prohibit or restrict within a country park o special area, except in possession of a permit: the entry of persons, vehicles, boats and animals; the killing, hunting, trapping or disturbance of any form of wildlife; the taking and destruction of vegetation; the cutting, picking, uprooting, digging, etc. of any plant, part of a plant or soil; the lighting of fires; etc.

Legislative Decree No. 28 of 1999 on the establishment and organization of industrial zones.

Asie occidentale

This Resolution is composed of 7 Chapters divided into 34 articles. Chapter I gives terms and definitions. Chapter II deals with the establishment of industrial zones, in particular: establishment and definition of industrial zones shall be carried out by a resolution of the Prime Minister; industrial zones are divided into branches industrial zones and branches into sub-branches; maps; industrial activities shall start within a year from the date of the receipt of land vouchers; and, keeping of land registers. Chapter III pertains to the exploitation of lands destined to industrial zones.

Resolution No. 1 of 2000 issuing the Implementing Regulation of Legislative Decree No. 28 of 1999 on the establishment and organization of industrial zones.

Asie occidentale

This Implementing Regulation is composed of 32 articles. Article 1 gives terms and definitions. Article 2 charges the Committee of Industrial Zones Affairs to propose and define areas and sites for the establishment of industries. Articles 3 to 5 define competencies of the Department of Industrial Zones, in particular to: divide industrial zones by the cooperation with Physical Planning Department and with the Environment Apparatus; prepare maps; and, keep a register for industrial zones.

Planning and Development Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 83 of 2007).

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations amend the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 by modifying Class 2, Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to provide for exemptions in respect of micro-renewable technologies.

Amends: Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 600 of 2001). (2001-12-19)

Water Association Act.

Europe occidentale

An Act to set new environmental policy standards by giving water and soil associations new rural management duties. Moreover, associations can promote cooperation between water management and agriculture while further developing the protection of water, soil and nature. Finally, the associations can be assigned tasks within the framework of set-aside land. The Act grants the associations a far-reaching right to self-administration as, for instance, the power to issue by-laws; furthermore, association may be established also by a decision of its members and not only ex-officio.

Drainage (Northern Ireland) Order 1973 (No. 69 (NI 1)).

Europe septentrionale

This Order provides for drainage in Northern Ireland and defines functions of the Minister and the Drainage Council of Northern Ireland. The Minister may establish drainage schemes for the benefit of watercourses and sea defences. For the purpose of this Order, the Minister may acquire land, either by agreement or compulsorily. The Order also defines duties of occupiers in respect of drainage works and provides for, among other things, drainage schemes extending outside Northern Ireland, removal of noxious weeds, protection of watercourses and control of dams and sluices.

Water and Soil Pollution Control Law, 2002 (Law No. 106(I)/2002).

Asie occidentale

In the process of harmonizing the Cypriot legislation with the environmental legislative framework of the European Union, this law sets forth the basic provisions for the protection of water resources and soil against polution. The law aims at protecting surface and underground waters and soil from human and industrial polluting activities and at controlling the disposal of liquid and solid industrial waste.

Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park Act, 2003 (S.O. 2003, c. 6).

Amérique septentrionale

Section 2 of the above-mentioned act establishes that the purposes of the present Act are to ensure that: a) the protection of the ecological integrity of the Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park is recognized as the overriding priority in the management and administration of the Park, so as to preserve, protect and enhance the natural composition and abundance of native species, biological communities and ecological processes in the Park; b) the policies governing the Park, including its management, will protect the Park’s natural and cultural values, maintain its traditional uses and pr

Circular No. 08/2009/TT-BTNMT providing for the environmental management and protection of economic zones, hi-tech parks, industrial parks and industrial complexes.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

This Circular provides for the environmental protection and management of economic zones, hi-tech parks, industrial parks and industrial complexes at all stages of their construction and in particular during: the formulation of construction plans; investment preparation; approval of investment projects; construction of technical infrastructure; and during the construction of investment projects.During the different stages of the planning and construction of economic zones, hi-tech parks, industrial parks and industrial complexes, state management agencies responsible for their protection an