Topics and Regions
Land as a discipline in academics and in policy and development discourses, has remained comparatively under-developed. Land administration continues to be isolated and sectorally divided, over-bureaucratized and often-politicized. Contrary to the need, land governance portrays legal complexity and institutional inadequacy and exclusiveness. Contested landscapes of land governance in India calls for partnerships and innovations to make development more inclusive and prosperity shared. Participation of land-actors and users, especially communities, civil society and private sector are critical, to make land governance equitable and sustainable. Centre for Land Governance attempts to bridge information gaps, create evidence and build platforms for connection and conversations among land-stakeholders, through knowledge engagements around action and policy research, evidence-based advocacy, communication and capacity building
Displaying 221 - 230 of 251Customary Land use Pattern of the Tribals in Manipur: a case study of the Zeliangrong Community in Tamenglong District
Land in the Zeliangrong community is controlled under the customary land tenure system in which the village owner (Nampou) governed granting equal access to all the families within groups with common lineages. The increase in complexity due to rapid changes in domestic situation through government policies led to the alteration of traditional land tenure systems in Tamenglong District.
Common Property Resources in Different Agro-Climatic Landscapes in India
This paper is published in Conservation and Society, Volume 4, No. 1, March 2006 which mainly examine the detailed variations of CPR use across different agro-climatic zones and critically analyzing the implications of such variations in understanding of the commons.
Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development (CISED) was conceptualised by a group of scholars with the mission of promoting environmentally sound and socially just development by contributing critically and constructively to public and academic debates through interdisciplinary research, teaching and outreach issues at the environment-development interface.
Common Property Resources in India
The report was produced by National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), Government of India on Common Property Resources (CPR) in rural areas of the country, as part of its 54th Round survey conducted during January-June, 1998.
It presents a brief introduction to the perspectives and discussed on the definitions and concepts of CPR. The enquiry aimed at providing certain basic statistics on the size of CPRs, type of benefits derived and the magnitude and proportion of households making use of CPRs.
International Organization of Scientific Research
International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) is a registered independent Organization, a unit of CSIR delivering supports and services to education professionals and researchers around world, especially those from the developing countries.
IOSR is the association of Scientists, Research scholars, Professors, Directors, Managers, Engineers, Pharmacy persons of various fields like Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Applied Science, and Mathematics.
Land, People and Politics: Contest Over Tribal Land in Northeast India
Land is the centre of most conflicts in Northeast India because of its importance in the life of the people of the region, particularly its tribal communities. It is also the resource most under attack, in the tribal areas in particular.
This book contains studies papers conducted by a group of researchers on land alienation in different states of the Northeast in 2005-2006.
The book attempt to understand the processes that result in tribal land alienation and the consequent conflicts in the region.
This report produced by Centre for Policy Research (CPR) a comprehensive and systematic study of Supreme Court cases on land acquisition from 1950- 2016 and examined particular conflicts involving major dams, special economic zones, housing complexes and industrial projects. It highlight the legal trajectory of land acquisition in India and attempt to provide deep understanding on how disputes over land are actually adjudicated in the Supreme Court and nature and pattern of litigation.
Sustainable Land Use Diversification and Investment Potential in Peri-urban, Semi-urban and Rural Areas of Telangana State, India
The study mainly focused on credit investment in agriculture.. It was carried out in Telengana State using net returns accrued from crops, fruit trees and livestock in three distressed districts. It has identified sustainable and profitable land uses, estimated credit requirement and formulated credit investment action plan.
Land Transactions in Rural India: pro-poor growth or poverty-inducing displacement?
The paper submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of Masters of Science in Contemporary India at University of Oxford. The study examined divide between the pro-poor approaches to rural industrialisation and transfers of agricultural land.
This study assesses land transactions with explicit reference to their impact on poverty and any land acquisition is likely to displace people in large numbers.
Centre for Policy Research
The Centre for Policy Research (CPR) has been one of India’s leading public policy think tanks since 1973. The Centre is a non-profit, non-partisan independent institution dedicated to conducting research that contributes to the production of high quality scholarship, better policies, and a more robust public discourse about the structures and processes that shape life in India.