Resource information
The procedure for the implementation of the state registration of rights of possession, use, lease and ownership to the land plots, as well as servitudes and other restrictions of these rights, are stated in the present Directions. The present Directions are designed for Goskomsev land resources services of districts, as well as for Uzgeodescadastre state real estate cadastral services of districts and towns which are commissioned to implement the official registration of the rights to the land plots. Both official registration and drawing up of documents certifying the right of ownership, possession, use or lease of land plots address the following purposes: to safeguard the property rights of legal and natural entities, to keep comprehensive and efficient records of land resources and operations in land plots, as well as for the purposes of taxation etc. The document consists of XI sections. Section I introduces the main terms and definitions. Section II lays down general provisions. Section III specifies rights to land plots subject to registration. Section IV establishes procedure for official registration of the rights to land plots. Section V establishes the right of appeal and other registration-related rules. Section VI deals with implementation of official registration of rights to the land plots. Section VII establishes registration fees. Section VIII establishes the procedure for formation of the cadastral number of a land plot. Section IX regards the State Registry of Rights to land plots of inhabited locality and the procedure for its keeping. Section X establishes requirements imposed on the drawing up of documents submitted for registration of the rights to land plots. Section XI establishes liability and state guarantees.