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Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, remarked that we are seeing today an emerging global consensus that we must do something about climate change. But equally important is the agenda to reduce poverty. We face this double challenge of reducing damaging carbon emissions, and still meeting the energy demands of the world’s poor. The role of the World Bank Group is to provide technical support to pilot innovative ideas, to work with countries to develop alternative strategies, and to listen and partner with the private sector which is going to provide much of the engine in innovation and financing. Carbon trading could generate resource flows in the order of $200 billion a year. The Bank is helping developing countries to move to a lower carbon path by exploiting renewable energy resources, supporting energy conservation, and increasing efficiency. Second, the Bank is playing a role is in promoting new technology. The third focus of the Bank is to prevent deforestation. Fourth, the Bank is among the leaders in addressing adaptation to climate risk by pioneering insurance work. We need to act sooner rather than later, today rather than tomorrow.