Documento de trabajo sobre tenencia de la tierra 6. Este documento ofrece una evaluación del estado de la gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra y recursos naturales en África occidental, comparando las políticas, legislaciones y prácticas nacionales con los principales criterios y normas de una…
In September 2008, the FAO-Dimitra project organised its third workshop with all its partners in Brussels, on the theme:“Information and communication strategies to fight gender inequality as regards land access and its consequences for rural populations in Africa”. This document presents a…
The Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. The Sourcebook is a…
Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 6. Ce document établit un état des lieux de la gouvernance foncière et des ressources naturelles en Afrique de l’ouest en confrontant les politiques, les législations et les pratiques des Etats avec des principaux standards et critères de bonne…
Safeguarding property rights of vulnerable people is an important policy issue, not least in the quest for poverty reduction in poor societies. This issue has become urgent due to recent developments, including the AIDS epidemic, globalization, climate change and other similar social and…
HIV and AIDS has exacerbated the vulnerability of orphaned children who are suffering in a vicious cycle of poverty, food insecurity, lack of access to education, and insecure livelihoods. Moreover, orphaned children are exposed to various forms of abuse by close family members, many of whom…
Durant l’Année internationale de la montagne en 2002, la FAO et ses partenaires ont lancé une évaluation à grande échelle et un examen mondial de l’état actuel et des tendances futures de l’aménagement intégré et participatif des bassins versants. Les objectifs généraux étaient de promouvoir l’…
The challenge for agricultural policymakers and planners, particularly in the context of Rwanda with high population density and consequently food insecurity, is how to enable farmers to adopt new technology. It is known that adoption of new technology may vary among farm households because of…
Law N° 59/2008 of 10/09/2008 on Prevention and Punishment of Gender-Based Violence Published on the 6 April 2009.
published on the 10 September 2008
Ministerial Order N° 002/2008 of 01/4/2008 Determining Modalities of Land Registration.
Published on the 1st August 2008.
Ministerial Order N° 001/2008 of 01/04/2008 Determining the Requirements and Procedures for Land Lease.
Published on the 1st April 2008.