FAO established a presence in Equatorial Guinea more than 30 years ago with the opening of a country office in Malabo. In June 2013, cooperation was strengthened with the establishment of a Partnership and Liaison Office and the appointment of the first FAO Representative in the country
FAO has a long history of partnership with the countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), providing policy advice, analysis and technical assistance in agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, natural resources management and food security in its commitment to support…
Meeting Name: Near East Forestry and Range Commission (NEFRC)
Meeting symbol/code: FO:NEFRC/2015/4
Session: Sess. 22
Genetic resources for food and agriculture play a crucial role in food security, nutrition and livelihoods and in the provision of environmental services. They are key components of sustainability, resilience and adaptability in production systems. They underpin the ability of crops, livestock,…
Towards effective national forest funds addresses the need for more information on the way NFFs work and how best to establish and manage them. It shares the lessons that have emerged from the establishment and management of NFFs with the aim of supporting countries in designing and…
Ce guide pratique vise à inspirer et équiper tous ceux qui veulent tenter d’améliorer la situation afin que le pouvoir soit exercé de manière à favoriser les forêts; il décrit comment des outils pratiques peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer la gouvernance des régimes forestiers. Si vous êtes un…
Land degradation and desertification are among the biggest environmental challenges of our time. In the last 40 years, we lost nearly a third of the world’s arable farmland due to erosion, just as the number of people to be fed from it almost doubled. That’s why the UN General Assembly declared…
This guide presents the 'Mapping for Rights' approach, which combines participatory mapping techniques, facilitation and hands-on support with the application of relevant and available technology. This combination of tools, guidance and equipment enables communities to identify…
In this edition you will find a series of articles on a wide range of themes whose common denominator is a wish to improve the livelihoods of rural communities, especially in Africa. It is interesting to note that two aspects emerge strongly from the variety of themes: nutrition and the role of…
Vous trouverez dans ce numéro une série d’articles sur des thèmes très variés mais qui ont tous en commun la volonté d’améliorer les conditions de vie des populations rurales, en particulier en Afrique. Il est intéressant de noter que deux aspects ressortent avec force de cette variété…
Le présent décret fixe les modalités d’enregistrement et le régime des garanties et des sûretés applicables aux concessions et aux baux domaniaux au Cameroun.
Drought is one of the major climatic hazards impacting on the various sectors including crop and livestock in the West African Sahel. Pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in the region are regularly affected by drought, with vulnerability differing with gender, age, wealth status (access to…