Non-thematic issue
This issue of Unasylva contains, as promised in the previous edition, additional articles on sustainable mountain development. These articles help to complete the focus on the topic and should also help to promote interest in the recently declared International Year of the Mountain (2000) for which FAO has been designated lead agency status within the United Nations system.
Recursos naturales y medio ambiente boletín informativo
Este mes nos es grato invitarles a participar en una consulta electrónica sobre las Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza Responsable en la Tenencia de la Tierra y Otros Recursos Naturales. Tras un prolongado proceso de consultas regionales, y antes de acometer la redacción del borrador cero, se están solicitando ahora materiales adicionales para la elaboración de estas directrices.
Meeting symbol/code: APRC 00 3
2002 Año Internacional de las Montañas
Las declaraciones del Director General de la FAO y del Rey de Nepal, los resmenes de cuestiones y actividades relativas a las montaas en pases como Bolivia, Italia, Kirguistn y Per, e informacin sobre bosques de montaa, bosques de niebla tropicales y montaas sagradas completan el recorrido de Unasylva por las montaas.
Coastal protection in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami: What role for forests and trees?
Following the widespread wreckage and loss of life caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004, unprecedented efforts where made to restore order and rebuild the lives and livelihoods of the millions affected. A proportion of the reconstruction and rehabilitation effort was focused on environmental rehabilitation and a part of this again on the rehabilitation of coastal trees and forests. Many programmes were implemented during the post-tsunami period to restore coastal trees and forests, and in particular mangrove forests.
Bureau régional pour l’Afrique Bulletin Trimestriel, Mai - Août 2016
Unasylva: Bosques, árboles y desastres
Este número doble de Unasylva busca desentrañar las complejas relaciones que median entre bosques, árboles y desastres, y examinar las mejores formas en que los bosques y árboles pueden gestionarse tanto para resistir a las conmociones como para proteger contra ellas. Los bosques y árboles pueden sin embargo actuar como sistemas naturales de amortiguación frente a las catástrofes y perturbaciones. Desempeñan una función poderosa en la protección contra los desastres y la reducción de sus efectos.
Numero non thématique
En conclusion, des informations actuelles, fiables et transparentes sur le secteur forestier sont un ingrdient vital du processus d'amnagement durable. Toutes les organisations et institutions engages dans la gestion durable des forts devraient exploiter les moyens offerts par Internet pour coordonner et relier les serveurs et optimiser ainsi la valeur des informations disponibles. Comme promis dans la prcdente dition, ce numro d'Unasylva contient de nouveaux articles sur le dveloppement durable des montagnes, qui viennent ainsi complter le tour d'horizon de la question.
Land tenure and natural disasters
The impacts of natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis have been increasing steadily since the 1950’s, particularly for developing countries. According to a World Bank external evaluation report “natural disasters destroyed US$652 billion in property worldwide in the 1990s alone – an amount 15 times higher in real terms compared to the 1950s. Approximately 2.6 billion people were affected by natural disasters over the past ten years, compared to 1.6 billion in the previous decade.
Réforme agraire: Colonisation et coopératives agricoles 2005/1
Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives continues to play an important role in land tenure and rural development studies and more specifically as part of FAO’s programmes since its first publication in 1963. In the last decade, the issues of good governance, new institutional structures and methodological approaches offering a wider perspective have become important elements of the debate. The articles in this volume of Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives reflect this in a variety of ways.
Report of the regional workshop on salt-affected soils from sea water intrusion: strategies for rehabilitation and management
The 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami devastated the lives of millions. With considerable determination, local communities have joined national and international organizations and governments to bring relief and start the recovery work. FAO has been involved in assisting the affected countries in numerous ways so that agricultural activities may be resumed. While short-term assistance is indispensable, strategic planning for medium and long-term rehabilitation in collaboration with partners and governments is required for appropriate intervention.