The European systems of real estate
This paper shows an overview of the land registration systems in Europe.
This paper shows an overview of the land registration systems in Europe.
Reviewed the influence of the major steps, that have been taken to ensure the implementation of the basic objectives of land reform, on the development of land relations in Ukraine, conducted their analysis and shows major shortcomings in carrying out
land reform.
Per colmare il gap informativo sulla variazione nel tempo dei prezzi delle abitazioni in Italia, l’Istat ha sviluppato un progetto che, con la collaborazione dell’Agenzia del Territorio e dell’Agenzia delle
Entrate, consentirà di pubblicare gli Indici dei Prezzi delle Abitazioni. Il progetto si è sviluppato tramite una fase di sperimentazione e prevede l’utilizzo degli archivi amministrativi in possesso delle Agenzie Fiscali.
The conditions of stable land use are highlighted in this article. The question
of the territory of agricultural enterprises is considered as well. The characteristic
of the type of land use is given here. The recommendations are shown on the formation
of ecologically safe types of land use. In the terms of new land relations is important to
resolve the issue of land use regulation to with stand landscapes against adverse natural
and anthropogenic influences. The main instrument of the state, which aims
Land resources ofUkraineare characterized by soil cover, which is 60% of the black soil - unique in their structure, properties and potential fertility of soils. They are characterized by deep humusovanyy layer is well defined granular structure, density almost perfect structure, adequate and moderate supply of nutrients. Unfortunately, these model objects are preserved only in virgin conditions. It turned out that the world's best black soil ( "King soils" by V. Dokuchaev) is very sensitive to human interference and under the influence of anthropogenic factors can quickly degrade.
L’evoluzione della disciplina urbanistica ha visto emergere progressivamente modelli fondati su una netta separazione tra la fase della conoscenza e quella delle scelte, con un ruolo sempre più determinante per un terzo passaggio, la valutazione, quale raccordo critico tra le due. L’imporsi nel dibattito del tema del consumo di suolo ha parzialmente modificato questo schema, trasformando un tradizionale strumento di verifica e monitoraggio nell’obiettivo strategico prioritario delle politiche di governo del
The theoretical basis of land management at the local level has already been sufficiently worked out, but it can be argued that they have not yet been finally resolved with regard to institutional provision. Therefore, it is expedient to propose an author's vision regarding the essential definition of this concept. In the classical form, this term was used many decades ago and literally meant the "foundation", "the foundation".
Il presente contributo intende esplorare le potenzialità delle metodologie di Building Information Modeling (BIM) applicabili alle diverse fasi del processo edilizio, con specifico riferimento a linee guida e best practice di respiro internazionale che avvalorano flussi operativi virtuosi: la componente informativa, prevalentemente grafica in fase di progetto, si integra e si rinnova in formato prevalentemente alfanumerico, divenendo parte integrante dell’apparato gestionale e manutentivo dei manufatti.
This analytical in-depth study on the financing modalities adopted in the Region of Piedmont was carried out with the contribution of those directly involved in the decision-making process enabling
The total area of eroded areas is 31% of Ukrainian territory and exceeds 45% in the Sothern part of the state where percentage of forest lands averages just 2-5%. On the one hand we have the problem of the growth areas of degraded and few-productive land whose use for other purposes is economically inefficient. On the other hand, indicators of forest radically different from optimal. The solution to both problems is possible through the use of land transformation method of afforestation.
The aim of this work is to provide a simple overview on crowdfunding with a focus on its potential application to the real estate market.
The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 paralyzed the global economy, creating a strong diminishing trust in financial services and in the banking system in general. One of the most revolutionary systems to get funded in the market has been crowdfunding, a way of financing coming directly from the crowd through the Internet.
Il progetto restituisce il grado di qualità del classamento catastale della città di Milano determinato
dall’indice di scostamento tra il valore catastale e il più probabile valore di mercato delle unità immobiliari.
L’elaborazione è stata eseguita sull’intero stock edilizio catastale ordinario (categoria A0* e C0*) composto
da oltre 1.200.000 unità immobiliari urbane.