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Methodical approaches to the production of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment of the boundaries of a portion of the land subject to the right of sublease, servitude

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2015

Done scientific justification and
proposed methodological approaches to the
production of technical documentation on
land management on establishing the
boundaries of the land covered by the right
to sublease, easement. The purpose of
making this type of documentation is
setting limits and making the State Land
Cadastre of information on land covered by
the right to sublease, easement

Real Estate Funds. Fiscal incentives to jump-start the property market

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2014

Real estate funds are a financial instrument enabling investors to transform real estate Investments into shares of financial assets, producing liquidity without the investor having to acquire and dispose
of property. A strong boost to this type of investment - an alternative to the type of securities - is given by the favourable tax laws that foster the creation, management and participation in real estate funds.
This article summarises the main provisions related to tax applicable to funds in this sector.

Recreational potential of Kiev region

Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre, 2015

It analyzes the recreational potential of the territory of the Kiev region, which focuses on all types of land on the main intended purpose. The most favorable conditions for recreation are
formed on the lands of recreation, recreation, historical and cultural, natural reserve fund and other environmental protection, forestry purposes, and water resources. The area of land corresponding categories are significantly (3‐5 times) inferior standards adopted in the European Union. The main directions of development of recreational land use for the future are determined.


Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2016

Process otsіnyuvannya zbitkіv zavdanih natural zapovіdnomu fund on the lands aneksovanogo AR Krim that timchasovo okupovanih Chastain Donetskoї that Luganskoї areas for Ukraine Je vazhlivim that are relevant in the minds became rozvitku in tsіlomu Kraina. Same fact zaluchennya svіtovoї spіlnoti for virіshennya ekologіchnih problems Je Wkra vazhlivim. Voєnnі dії on ShodіUkrainezavdali Skoda usіm without vinyatku areas.

Scientific and methodical approaches to natural-agricultural, ecological-economic, anti-erosion zoning (zonation) of lands

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2015

Improved scientific and methodical ap‐
proaches to natural and agricultural, ecolog‐
ical and economic, erosion control and zon‐
ing land in Ukraine, as it was necessary to
clarify the existing scheme of zoning, which is
due, above all, the changes that have oc‐
curred during the land reform.
According to advanced scientific and
methodological approaches and criteria
developed completely natural farming,
erosion and ecological‐economic zoning of
Ukraine at the national level.

Proprietà demaniali e pubbliche: convenienze all’investimento e strategie di valorizzazione attraverso un caso studio

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2012

Il recente Decreto Salva Italia – tuttora in fase di studio – ha dato enfasi alle questioni legate alla dismissione di ingenti patrimoni di proprietà del Demanio e degli enti pubblici: centrali sono posti

Paris/New York 1215-1811-2015. Eight centuries of hierarchies of scale in urban land lots

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2015

The development of inner-city Paris (100 km2) and the grid of the Commissioners’ Plan of Manhattan (66 km2) were recorded on scales of different ages: two millennia for Paris and two centuries for Manhattan. Despite being very different in appearance, with competing feudal powers in a compartmentalised society and competing markets in an open society, land lot hierarchies marked by hierarchies of scale have emerged that are surprisingly similar, as if there were a form of universality at work.


Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo, 2017

Article determine the essence of the definition of "region", defined types of regions. In general, we can distinguish four types of regions, formed to implement the tasks under different direction: a) homogeneous regions (formed on the basis of common characteristics – mountain region, economically developed / underdeveloped region and so on.). b) functional regions (formed by determining the basic type of economic activity – touristic region, agricultural region, etc.).

I sistemi europei di registrazione immobiliare: panorama generale

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2016

Il presente lavoro offre una panoramica generale dei sistemi di registrazione immobiliare in Europa. L’analisi comparatistica parte dalla distinzione dei sistemi giuridici di trasmissione della proprietà all’interno delle due grandi famiglie del “Civil Law” e del “Common Law”. Su tali basi, infatti, poggiano gli istituti giuridici e le organizzazioni nazionali che soprintendono alla registrazione immobiliare. Sono stati esaminati pertanto i vari sistemi di “Land Registration” con riferimento ai principali fattori caratterizzanti,

Il nuovo codice dei contratti pubblici, tra novità e criticità

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2017

Da oltre un anno, con l’approvazione del D.Lgs. 50/2016, è in corso un processo continuo di revisione della normativa sui contratti pubblici di lavori, servizi e forniture. Contrariamente a quanto è capitato fino ad ora, il legislatore ha deciso di non replicare il modello classico strutturato in Codice e Regolamento attuativo. La scelta si è orientata nei confronti della cosiddetta soft law che non prevede più un Regolamento ma una serie di rimandi a successivi Decreti attuativi e/o Linee guida.

Real Estate values in Low Dynamic Markets: proximity effects

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2012

The identification of residential submarkets is of great interest for the correct planning of housing policy. In addition, in recent years increasing demand for more detailed spatial statistical information that requires increasingly specific territorial subsets has emerged.
The aim of this paper is to define an aggregation of municipalities characterized by homogeneity in terms of trends and levels of house prices.