The Tenth Development Plan (2014-2018).
The Tenth Development Plan of the Republic of Turkey is a National Plan with a cross-sectoral approach and its duration is 4 years between 2014 and 2020.
The Tenth Development Plan of the Republic of Turkey is a National Plan with a cross-sectoral approach and its duration is 4 years between 2014 and 2020.
These guidelines contain principles of and rules for the management of hilly and mountainous areas. They define functions and duties of District Environment Committees and other local authorities in respect of management of hilly and mountainous areas duties of land owners in respect to use of grazing of livestock, cultivation, agroforestry and water run-off. Each District Council shall make bye-laws identifying mountainous and hilly areas within their jurisdiction which are at risk from environmental degradation.
The present Ordinance enforces the Agricultural Law of Basel-Landschaft of 17 May 1984. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the implementation of measures to improve the condition of the soil in the Canton Basel-Landschaft. The text consists of 88 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (A); Common proceedings provisions (B); Special provisions (C); Implementation of soil improvements (D); Contributions and maintenance of the work (E); Final and transitional provisions (F).
Dans le contexte de mettre en œuvre ses engagements dans le cadre de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la Lutte contre la Désertification, le Maroc s’est dote d’un Programme d’Action National de Lutte Contre la Désertification (PANLCD).
This Chapter of the Code of Virginia concerns coastal primary sand dunes and beaches. It provides that the Marine Resources Commission shall preserve and protect coastal primary sand dunes and beaches and prevent their despoliation and destruction. Whenever practical, the Commission shall accommodate necessary economic development in a manner consistent with the protection of these features. It further provides for coastal primary sand dune ordinance and boards; permitting for certain activities, and enforcement.
The Vision of the Forest Policy is that: by 2062, Jamaica’s forests and its biodiversity are sufficiently restored and sustainably managed, so once again the island can adequately be described as “the land of wood and water”, capable of meeting the social, economic and ecological needs of current and future generations.
The Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) is a strategic document with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2016-2019. Flowing from the Horizon 2030 vision, this strategic plan now charts the path to a better quality of life for all Belizeans, living now and in the future. It places at the fore sustainable development, reflecting a whole-system approach, and acknowledging increasing prosperity, eradicating poverty, improving social cohesion, caring for our natural resources, and securing peace and justice for all Belizeans as inter-connected goals.
The National Strategy for Agriculture in Guyana is a strategic instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, applicable at the national level and related to the period from 2013 to 2020. Guyana’s Vision for Agriculture 2020 seeks to change the view that agriculture is for subsistence livelihood while it also seeks to promote agriculture as a wealth generator and entrepreneurial enterprise, producing food and non-food commodities to meet local and export demands.
The present Act lays down provisions relating to the permanent protection of soil against misappropriation in order to guarantee self-sufficiency and conserve the rural structures. The text consists of 8 articles as follows: Principle (1); Separation of municipalities (2); Soil requirements (3); Safeguard of agricultural land (4); Deadline (5); Provisional agricultural zone (6); Proceedings (7); Entry into force (8).
The present Strategy is based on the notion that adaptation to climate change is a long-term process, and that it is still uncertain what the consequences of climate change will be and how soon they will take effect.
These Regulations are formulated in accordance with Law on Conservation of Water and Soil of the People’s Republic of China, aiming to prevent and control the water loss and soil erosion, protect and make rational use of resources of water and soil, reduce floods and droughts, improve the ecological environment.
Les objectifs assignés au plan stratégique de développement de la filière blé pour la période de 2005 à 2009 sont les suivants: orienter les travaux du Comité National de Concertation sur la Filière Blé (CONAFIB) sur les enjeux les plus déterminants pour la promotion de la production, de la transformation et de la commercialisation du blé local; définir les objectifs stratégiques et les actions prioritaires à entreprendre; favoriser un engagement très marqué des membres du CONAFIB, du Gouvernement et des partenaires techniques pour la réalisation des actions; améliorer le cadre de fonctionn