Kosten en effecten van landinrichtingsprojecten in Nederland
This study deals with te costs and effects of land development projects in The Netherlands. The methods to assess these costs and effects are described and discussed. Effects encompass economic as well as social effects, effects on nature and landscape and on environment.
Climate and soils of the South Kinangop Plateau of Kenya : their limitations on land use
In the Kinangop Plateau of Kenya where small holder farmers have been settled, varied climate and soils occur and the level of land use and management is not as high as may be expected. The climate and soils were therefore studied with a view to identity the constraints they present to land use and management and how the constraints may be rectified. Low temperatures and frequent frosts are the main climate constraints while imperfect drainage, low fertility and shallow effective rooting depth are some of the soil constraints.
De Haaglanden : een onderzoek naar de invloed van planologische bestemmingen op de agrarische ontwikkeling in een randstad-gebied
Samenhang ontwerp - uitvoering bij het scheppen en instandhouden van groenvoorzieningen
The purpose of this study is to analyse how to produce a balance between the design and implementation of "green" facilities. It focusses on providing insight into the conditions under which decisions take place, conditions which have to be satisfied if a balance between design and implementation is to be realised and is to influence the way we create and maintain "green" facilities. The study shows that the management of the "green" facilities is indissolubly linked with the design and the implementation.
Voldoende, goed land
Rede Wageningen, 5 november 1981